terrainr (version 0.7.5)

addbuff: Add a uniform buffer around a bounding box for geographic coordinates


add_bbox_buffer calculates the great circle distance both corners of your bounding box are from the centroid and extends those by a set distance. Due to using Haversine/great circle distance, latitude/longitude calculations will not be exact.

set_bbox_side_length is a thin wrapper around add_bbox_buffer which sets all sides of the bounding box to (approximately) a specified length.

Both of these functions are intended to be used with geographic coordinate systems (data using longitude and latitude for position). For projected coordinate systems, a more sane approach is to use sf::st_buffer to add a buffer, or combine sf::st_centroid with the buffer to set a specific side length.


add_bbox_buffer(data, distance, distance_unit = "meters", error_crs = NULL)

# S3 method for sf add_bbox_buffer(data, distance, distance_unit = "meters", error_crs = NULL)

# S3 method for Raster add_bbox_buffer(data, distance, distance_unit = "meters", error_crs = NULL)

# S3 method for SpatRaster add_bbox_buffer(data, distance, distance_unit = "meters", error_crs = NULL)

set_bbox_side_length( data, distance, distance_unit = "meters", error_crs = NULL )

# S3 method for sf set_bbox_side_length( data, distance, distance_unit = "meters", error_crs = NULL )

# S3 method for Raster set_bbox_side_length( data, distance, distance_unit = "meters", error_crs = NULL )

# S3 method for SpatRaster set_bbox_side_length( data, distance, distance_unit = "meters", error_crs = NULL )


An sfc object (from sf::st_as_sfc).



The original data to add a buffer around. Must be either an sf or SpatRaster object.


The distance to add or to set side lengths equal to.


The units of the distance to add to the buffer, passed to units::as_units.


Logical: Should this function error if data has no CRS? If TRUE, function errors; if FALSE, function quietly assumes EPSG:4326. If NULL, the default, function assumes EPSG:4326 with a warning.

See Also

Other utilities: calc_haversine_distance(), deg_to_rad(), get_centroid(), rad_to_deg()


Run this code

df <- data.frame(
  lat = c(44.04905, 44.17609),
  lng = c(-74.01188, -73.83493)

df_sf <- sf::st_as_sf(df, coords = c("lng", "lat"))
df_sf <- sf::st_set_crs(df_sf, 4326)

add_bbox_buffer(df_sf, 10)

df <- data.frame(
  lat = c(44.04905, 44.17609),
  lng = c(-74.01188, -73.83493)

df_sf <- sf::st_as_sf(df, coords = c("lng", "lat"))
df_sf <- sf::st_set_crs(df_sf, 4326)

set_bbox_side_length(df_sf, 4000)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab