testthat (version 1.0.2)

use_catch: Use Catch for C++ Unit Testing


Add the necessary infrastructure to enable C++ unit testing in Rpackages with https://github.com/philsquared/Catch{Catch} and testthat.


use_catch(dir = getwd())


The directory containing an Rpackage.


All of the functions provided by Catch are available with the CATCH_ prefix -- see https://github.com/philsquared/Catch/blob/master/docs/assertions.md{here} for a full list. testthat provides the following wrappers, to conform with testthat's Rinterface:

lll{ Function Catch Description context CATCH_TEST_CASE The context of a set of tests. test_that CATCH_SECTION A test section. expect_true CATCH_CHECK Test that an expression evaluates to true. expect_false CATCH_CHECK_FALSE Test that an expression evalutes to false. expect_error CATCH_CHECK_THROWS Test that evaluation of an expression throws an exception. expect_error_as CATCH_CHECK_THROWS_AS Test that evaluation of an expression throws an exception of a specific class. }

In general, you should prefer using the testthat wrappers, as testthat also does some work to ensure that any unit tests within will not be compiled or run when using the Solaris Studio compilers (as these are currently unsupported by Catch). This should make it easier to submit packages to CRAN that use Catch.

Advanced Usage

If you'd like to write your own Catch test runner, you can instead use the testthat::catchSession() object in a file with the form:

#define TESTTHAT_TEST_RUNNER #include

void run() { Catch::Session& session = testthat::catchSession(); // interact with the session object as desired }

This can be useful if you'd like to run your unit tests with custom arguments passed to the Catch session.

Standalone Usage

If you'd like to use the C++ unit testing facilities provided by Catch, but would prefer not to use the regular testthat Rtesting infrastructure, you can manually run the unit tests by inserting a call to:

.Call("run_testthat_tests", PACKAGE = )

as necessary within your unit test suite.


Calling use_catch() will:

  1. Create a filesrc/test-runner.cpp, which ensures that thetestthatpackage will understand how to run your package's unit tests,
  2. Create an example test filesrc/test-example.cpp, which showcases how you might use Catch to write a unit test, and
  3. Add a test filetests/testthat/test-cpp.R, which ensures thattestthatwill run your compiled tests during invocations ofdevtools::test()orR CMD check.

C++ unit tests can be added to C++ source files within the src/ directory of your package, with a format similar to Rcode tested with testthat. Here's a simple example of a unit test written with testthat + Catch:

context("C++ Unit Test") { test_that("two plus two is four") { int result = 2 + 2; expect_true(result == 4); } }

When your package is compiled, unit tests alongside a harness for running these tests will be compiled into your Rpackage, with the C entry point run_testthat_tests(). testthat will use that entry point to run your unit tests when detected.

See Also

https://github.com/philsquared/Catch{Catch}, the library used to enable C++ unit testing.