texreg (version 1.36.18)

createTexreg: Create a texreg object


Create a texreg object with coefficients and GOF statistics.


createTexreg(coef.names, coef, se, pvalues = numeric(0), ci.low = numeric(0), ci.up = numeric(0), gof.names = character(0), gof = numeric(0), gof.decimal = logical(0), model.name = character(0))


A vector of coefficient names.
The coefficient values.
The standard errors. This is optional if the ci.low and ci.up slots are filled.
The p-values of the model. This is optional.
Lower bound of confidence interval (the actual values, not the confidence level). This is optional as long as se is available, but if it is provided, ci.up must also be provided.
Upper bound of confidence interval (the actual values, not the confidence level). This is optional as long as se is available, but if it is provided, ci.low must also be provided.
A vector of names of the goodness-of-fit statistics.
A vector of goodness-of-fit statistics.
A vector of boolean/logical values indicating for each GOF statistic if decimal places shall be used. This is optional.
The name of the model. In some cases, models consist of two separate columns because two separate data-generating processes are modeled. In these cases, it may make sense to specify default names for the columns (that is, for each texreg object). This argument is optional.


This function creates a texreg object. A texreg object contains information about coefficients, standard errors, p values (optional), and about goodness-of-fit statistics. Instead of standard errors and p values, a texreg object may also contain upper and lower bounds of a confidence interval. texreg objects are used by the texreg command to create LaTeX tables and other representations of the model results.


Leifeld, Philip (2013). texreg: Conversion of Statistical Model Output in R to LaTeX and HTML Tables. Journal of Statistical Software, 55(8), 1-24. http://www.jstatsoft.org/v55/i08/.

See Also

texreg-package texreg


Run this code
library(nlme)  #load library for fitting linear mixed effects models
model <- lme(distance ~ age, data = Orthodont, random = ~ 1)  #estimate model
coefficient.names <- rownames(summary(model)$tTable)  #extract coefficient names
coefficients <- summary(model)$tTable[, 1]  #extract coefficient values
standard.errors <- summary(model)$tTable[, 2]  #extract standard errors
significance <- summary(model)$tTable[, 5]  #extract p values

lik <- summary(model)$logLik  #extract log likelihood
aic <- summary(model)$AIC  #extract AIC
bic <- summary(model)$BIC  #extract BIC
n <- nobs(model)  #extract number of observations
gof <- c(aic, bic, lik, n)  #create a vector of GOF statistics
gof.names <- c("AIC", "BIC", "Log Likelihood", "Num. obs.")  #names of GOFs
decimal.places <- c(TRUE, TRUE, TRUE, FALSE)  #the last one is a count variable

#create the texreg object
tr <- createTexreg(
  coef.names = coefficient.names, 
  coef = coefficients, 
  se = standard.errors, 
  pvalues = significance, 
  gof.names = gof.names, 
  gof = gof, 
  gof.decimal = decimal.places

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