textclean (version 0.9.3)

check_text: Check Text For Potential Problems


check_text - Uncleaned text may result in errors, warnings, and incorrect results in subsequent analysis. check_text checks text for potential problems and suggests possible fixes. Potential text anomalies that are detected include: factors, missing ending punctuation, empty cells, double punctuation, non-space after comma, no alphabetic characters, non-ASCII, missing value, and potentially misspelled words.

available_check - Provide a data.frame view of all the available checks in the check_text function.


check_text(x, file = NULL, checks = NULL, n = 10, ...)




The text variable.


A connection, or a character string naming the file to print to. If NULL prints to the console. Note that this is assigned as an attribute and passed to print.


A vector of checks to include from which_are. If checks = NULL, all checks from which_are which be used. Note that all meta checks will be conducted (see which_are for details on meta checks).


The number of affected elements to print out (the rest are truncated).



Returns a list with the following potential text faults report:

  • contraction- Text elements that contain contractions

  • date- Text elements that contain dates

  • digit- Text elements that contain digits/numbers

  • email- Text elements that contain email addresses

  • emoticon- Text elements that contain emoticons

  • empty- Text elements that contain empty text cells (all white space)

  • escaped- Text elements that contain escaped back spaced characters

  • hash- Text elements that contain Twitter style hash tags (e.g., #rstats)

  • html- Text elements that contain HTML markup

  • incomplete- Text elements that contain incomplete sentences (e.g., uses ending punctuation like ...)

  • kern- Text elements that contain kerning (e.g., 'The B O M B!')

  • list_column- Text variable that is a list column

  • missing_value- Text elements that contain missing values

  • misspelled- Text elements that contain potentially misspelled words

  • no_alpha- Text elements that contain elements with no alphabetic (a-z) letters

  • no_endmark- Text elements that contain elements with missing ending punctuation

  • no_space_after_comma- Text elements that contain commas with no space afterwards

  • non_ascii- Text elements that contain non-ASCII text

  • non_character- Text variable that is not a character column (likely factor)

  • non_split_sentence- Text elements that contain unsplit sentences (more than one sentence per element)

  • tag- Text elements that contain Twitter style handle tags (e.g., @trinker)

  • time- Text elements that contain timestamps

  • url- Text elements that contain URLs