textreadr (version 0.5.1)

read_transcript: Read Transcripts Into R


Read .docx, .csv, .xlsx, .xlsx, or .txt transcript style files into R.


read_transcript(file, col.names = c("Person", "Dialogue"), text.var = NULL,
  merge.broke.tot = TRUE, header = FALSE, dash = "", ellipsis = "...",
  quote2bracket = FALSE, rm.empty.rows = TRUE, na = "", sep = NULL,
  skip = 0, text, comment.char = "", max.person.nchar = 20, ...)


The name of the file which the data are to be read from. Each row of the table appears as one line of the file. If it does not contain an absolute path, the file name is relative to the current working directory, getwd().
A character vector specifying the column names of the transcript columns.
A character string specifying the name of the text variable will ensure that variable is classed as character. If NULL read_transcript attempts to guess the text.variable (dialogue).
logical. If TRUE and if the file being read in is .docx with broken space between a single turn of talk read_transcript will attempt to merge these into a single turn of talk.
logical. If TRUE the file contains the names of the variables as its first line.
A character string to replace the en and em dashes special characters (default is to remove).
A character string to replace the ellipsis special characters.
logical. If TRUE replaces curly quotes with curly braces (default is FALSE). If FALSE curly quotes are removed.
logical. If TRUE read_transcript attempts to remove empty rows.
A character string to be interpreted as an NA value.
The field separator character. Values on each line of the file are separated by this character. The default of NULL instructs read_transcript to use a separator suitable for the file type being read in.
Integer; the number of lines of the data file to skip before beginning to read data.
Character string: if file is not supplied and this is, then data are read from the value of text. Notice that a literal string can be used to include (small) data sets within R code.
A character vector of length one containing a single character or an empty string. Use "" to turn off the interpretation of comments altogether.
The max number of characters long names are expected to be. This information is used to warn the user if a separat appears beyond this length in the text.
Further arguments to be passed to read.table, read_excel, or read_doc.


Returns a dataframe of dialogue and people.


read_transcript may contain errors if the file being read in is .docx. The researcher should carefully investigate each transcript for errors before further parsing the data.




Run this code
(doc1 <- system.file("docs/trans1.docx", package = "textreadr"))
(doc2 <- system.file("docs/trans2.docx", package = "textreadr"))
(doc3 <- system.file("docs/trans3.docx", package = "textreadr"))
(doc4 <- system.file("docs/trans4.xlsx", package = "textreadr"))
(doc5 <- system.file("docs/trans5.xls", package = "textreadr"))
(doc6 <- system.file("docs/trans6.doc", package = "textreadr"))

dat1 <- read_transcript(doc1)
dat2 <- read_transcript(doc1, col.names = c("person", "dialogue"))

## read_transcript(doc2) #throws an error (need skip)
dat3 <- read_transcript(doc2, skip = 1)

## read_transcript(doc3, skip = 1) #incorrect read; wrong sep
dat4 <- read_transcript(doc3, sep = "-", skip = 1)

## xlsx/xls format
dat5 <- read_transcript(doc4)
dat6 <- read_transcript(doc5)

## MS doc format
## Not run: ------------------------------------
# dat7 <- read_transcript(doc6) ## need to skip Researcher
# dat8 <- read_transcript(doc6, skip = 1)
## ---------------------------------------------

## text string input
trans <- "sam: Computer is fun. Not too fun.
greg: No it's not, it's dumb.
teacher: What should we do?
sam: You liar, it stinks!"


## Read in text specify spaces as sep
read_transcript(text="34    The New York Times reports a lot of words here.
12    Greenwire reports a lot of words.
31    Only three words.
 2    The Financial Times reports a lot of words.
 9    Greenwire short.
13    The New York Times reports a lot of words again.",
    col.names = c("NO", "ARTICLE"), sep = "   ")

read_transcript(text="34..    The New York Times reports a lot of words here.
12..    Greenwire reports a lot of words.
31..    Only three words.
 2..    The Financial Times reports a lot of words.
 9..    Greenwire short.
13..    The New York Times reports a lot of words again.",
    col.names = c("NO", "ARTICLE"), sep = "\\.\\.")

## Real Example
real_dat <- read_transcript(
    system.file("docs/Yasmine_Interview_Transcript.docx", package = "textreadr"),
    skip = 19

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab