thor (version 1.1.0)

storr_thor: Thor driver for storr


Storr driver for thor. This allows thor to be used as a storage backend with the storr package and presents a higher level content addressable key/value store suitable for storing R objects.


storr_thor(env, prefix = "", hash_algorithm = NULL,
  default_namespace = "objects")

driver_thor(env, prefix = "", hash_algorithm = NULL)



A thor environment


An optional prefix. If given, use a : as the last character for nice looking keys (e.g., storr: will generate keys like storr:keys:namespace:name. If not given then we assume that storr is the only user of this database and if destroy is called it will delete the entire database.


Optional hash algorithm to use. Defaults to md5, or whatever the existing algorithm is if the database has been opened. You cannot mix algorithms.


The default namespace to store objects in. Defaults to objects, as does other storr drivers.