tic (version

step_push_deploy: Step: Setup and perform push deploy


Clones a repo, inits author information, sets up remotes, commits, and pushes. Combines step_setup_push_deploy() with checkout = FALSE and a suitable orphan argument, and step_do_push_deploy().


step_push_deploy(path = ".", branch = NULL, remote_url = NULL,
  commit_message = NULL, commit_paths = ".")



[string] Path to the repository, default "." which means setting up the current repository.


[string] Target branch, default: current branch.


[string] The URL of the remote Git repository to push to, defaults to the current GitHub repository.


[string] Commit message to use, defaults to a useful message linking to the CI build and avoiding recursive CI runs.


[character] Restrict the set of directories and/or files added to Git before deploying. Default: deploy all files.


Setup and deployment are combined in one step, the files to be deployed must be prepared in a previous step. This poses some restrictions on how the repository can be initialized, in particular for a nonstandard path argument only orphan = TRUE can be supported (and will be used).

For more control, create two separate steps with step_setup_push_deploy() and step_do_push_deploy(), and create the files to be deployed inbetween these steps.

See Also

Other deploy steps: step_do_push_deploy, step_setup_push_deploy

Other steps: step_add_to_drat, step_add_to_known_hosts, step_build_pkgdown, step_do_push_deploy, step_hello_world, step_install_pkg, step_install_ssh_keys, step_run_code, step_setup_push_deploy, step_setup_ssh, step_test_ssh, step_write_text_file