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tint is not tufte


The (html and pdf) styles provided by the tufte package make it very easy and convenient to create documents in the celebrated style of Edward Tufte.

The clear layout, focused use of white space and unparallel use of the margin for complementary information, including graphs, offer a novel and very valuable resource for typsetting.

Yet at the same time, not everybody is a fan of the yellow tint, and the fonts. I had been looking for a while for an alternative, and somewhat recently came across envisioned css by Jef Lippiat. It gets a few things very right: use of the beautiful Roboto font along with a closer-to-white background. So I mixed this with the code framework provided by JJ and Yihui to make it an RMarkdown template you can use just by installing this package. Among the small changes I made were the removal of italics in subheaders and the title.


A quick screenshot is below:

and the full underlying document is available too. Its sources are included in the packages as skeleton.Rmd.


Fully working but still somewhat preliminary. May get added to the tufte package.


Install as a package, e.g. via

R> if (!requireNamespace("drat", quietly=TRUE)) install.packages("drat")
R> drat::addRepo("ghrr")                 # make drat repo known
R> install.packages("tint")

and the use e.g. as a Markdown template via RStudio, or call rmarkdown::render() directly.


Dirk Eddelbuettel, borrowing heavily from JJ and Yihui in tufte, Dave Liepman in the underlying tufte-css and Jef Lippiat in envisioned css.


GPL-3 for my parts and the code from tufte, mostly MIT for what comes from Dave Liepman and Jef Lippiat.

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Last Published

October 6th, 2016

Functions in tint (