tools (version 3.5.0)

checkRd: Check an Rd Object


Check an help file or the output of the parse_Rd function.


checkRd(Rd, defines = .Platform$OS.type, stages = "render",
        unknownOK = TRUE, listOK = TRUE, ..., def_enc = FALSE)



a filename or Rd object to use as input.


string(s) to use in #ifdef tests.


at which stage ("build", "install", or "render") should \Sexpr macros be executed? See the notes below.


unrecognized macros are treated as errors if FALSE, otherwise warnings.


unnecessary non-empty braces (e.g., around text, not as an argument) are treated as errors if FALSE, otherwise warnings.

additional parameters to pass to parse_Rd when Rd is a filename. One that is often useful is encoding.


logical: has the package declared an encoding, so tests for non-ASCII text are suppressed?


This may fail through an R error, but otherwise warnings are collected as returned as an object of class "checkRd", a character vector of messages. This class has a print method which only prints unique messages, and has argument minlevel that can be used to select only more serious messages. (This is set to -1 in R CMD check.)

Possible fatal errors are those from running the parser (e.g., a non-existent file, unclosed quoted string, non-ASCII input without a specified encoding) or from prepare_Rd (multiple \Rdversion declarations, invalid \encoding or \docType or \name sections, and missing or duplicate \name or \title sections).


checkRd performs consistency checks on an Rd file, confirming that required sections are present, etc.

It accepts a filename for an Rd file, and will use parse_Rd to parse it before applying the checks. If so, warnings from parse_Rd are collected, together with those from the internal function prepare_Rd, which does the #ifdef and \Sexpr processing, drops sections that would not be rendered or are duplicated (and should not be) and removes empty sections.

An Rd object is passed through prepare_Rd, but it may already have been (and installed Rd objects have).

Warnings are given a ‘level’: those from prepare_Rd have level 0. These include

All text must be in a section
Only one tag name section is allowed: the first will be used
Section name is unrecognized and will be dropped
Dropping empty section name

checkRd itself can show

7 Tag tag name not recognized
7 \tabular format must be simple text
7 Unrecognized \tabular format: …
7 Only n columns allowed in this table
7 Must have a tag name
7 Only one tag name is allowed
7 Tag tag name must not be empty
7 \docType must be plain text
5 Tag \method is only valid in \usage
5 Tag \dontrun is only valid in \examples
5 Tag tag name is invalid in a block name block
5 Title of \section must be non-empty plain text
5 \title content must be plain text
3 Empty section tag name
-1 Non-ASCII contents without declared encoding
-1 Non-ASCII contents in second part of \enc
-3 Tag \ldots is not valid in a code block
-3 Apparent non-ASCII contents without declared encoding
-3 Apparent non-ASCII contents in second part of \enc
-3 Unnecessary braces at …
-3 \method not valid outside a code block

and variations with \method replaced by \S3method or \S4method.

Note that both prepare_Rd and checkRd have tests for an empty section: that in checkRd is stricter (essentially that nothing is output).

See Also

parse_Rd, Rd2HTML.