track (version 1.1.9)

track.manage: Manage how objects are handled in a tracking session


Functions to start and stop tracking objects, remove them, load objects from RData files, and manage cached and saved copies of objects. These functions should not be needed in plain vanilla use of the track package.

For an introduction to the track package, see Overview (?track.intro).


track(expr, pos = 1, envir = as.environment(pos), list = NULL, pattern = NULL, glob = NULL, exclude = TRUE) track.assign(x, value, pos = 1, envir = as.environment(pos), flush = TRUE) untrack(expr, pos = 1, envir = as.environment(pos), list = NULL, pattern = NULL, glob = NULL, all = FALSE, = FALSE) track.remove(expr, pos = 1, envir = as.environment(pos), list = NULL, pattern = NULL, glob = NULL, all = FALSE, force = TRUE), pos = 1, envir = as.environment(pos), list = NULL, pattern = NULL, glob = NULL, all = missing(expr) && missing(list) && missing(pattern) && missing(glob)) track.resave(expr, pos = 1, envir = as.environment(pos), list = NULL, pattern = NULL, glob = NULL, all = missing(expr) && missing(list) && missing(pattern) && missing(glob)) track.flush(expr, pos = 1, envir = as.environment(pos), list = NULL, pattern = NULL, glob = NULL, all = missing(expr) && missing(list) && missing(pattern) && missing(glob), force = FALSE) track.forget(expr, pos = 1, envir = as.environment(pos), list = NULL, pattern = NULL, glob = NULL, all = FALSE) track.load(files, pos = 1, envir = as.environment(pos), list = NULL, pattern = NULL, glob = NULL, cache = FALSE, clobber = FALSE, time.of.file = TRUE, warn = TRUE)


An unquoted variable name
The search path position of the environment being tracked (default is 1 for the global environment)
The environment being tracked. This is an alternate way (to the use of pos=) of specifying the environment being tracked, but should be rarely needed.
A character vector of variable names to operate upon
A regular expression specifying variable names to operate upon
A regular expression specifying variable names to operate upon
If TRUE, operate upon all elegible variables. The default is FALSE for functions that can change data, and TRUE for functions that merely control whether data is in memory or file or both.
Controls exclusion of particular variables by pattern matching against a vector of regular expressions in the autoTrackExcludePattern option value. If exclude==TRUE (the default), exclude variables that match. If exclude==FALSE, ignore the exclusion patterns.
If TRUE, the variable is left in the tracking database, though the link to it is broken (it becomes masked)
A vector of names of RData files (any file saved by save())
TRUE or FALSE indicating whether to keep the tracked object cached in memory
TRUE or FALSE indicating whether to overwrite existing objects of the same name
If TRUE, for track.remove remove orphaned tracked variables; for track.flush flush out variables that would normally be kept in cache.
If TRUE, use the access times on the file to populate the access time fields in the tracking summary.
If TRUE, issue warnings about object not acted upon.
A variable name, as a character vector of length 1
The value to assign
Logical value, specifying whether to flush the assigned object out of memory


The value returned from these functions is invisible and typically contains the names of objects acted upon.


These functions are executed for their side effects:
  • track: start tracking the specified variables
  • track.assign: assign a value to a variable (start tracking variable if it is not already tracked.) Optionally flush the value out of memory.
  • untrack: stop tracking the specified variables, leaving the object in envir so that it can still be used. If, the variable is left in the tracking environment (but is masked), if (the default), all trace of the variable is completely removed from the tracking environment.
  • track.remove: completely remove all traces of a tracked variable (also removes untracked variables)
  • write unsaved variables to disk
  • track.flush: write unsaved variables to disk, and remove from memory
  • track.forget: delete cached versions without saving to file (file version will be retrieved next time the variable is accessed)
  • track.rescan: reload variable values from disk (can forget all cached vars, remove no-longer existing tracked vars)
  • track.load: load variables from a saved RData file into the tracking session - if list is supplied, only these variables are loaded in. Already existing variables will be skipped and not overwritten unless clobber=TRUE is supplied.

The variables to be acted upon are specified either in expr (a variable name, unquoted) or list (character vector containing names of variables), or by regular expression pattern or shell pattern glob. If no specification is given, all variables are acted upon.

See Also

Overview and design of the track package.


Run this code
# Warning: running this example will cause variables currently
# in the R global environment to be written to .RData files
# in a tracking database on the filesystem under R's temporary
# directory, and will cause the variables to be removed temporarily
# from the R global environment.
# It is recommended to run this example with a fresh R session
# with no important variables in the global environment.

track.start(dir=file.path(tempdir(), 'rdatadir5'))
x <- 33
X <- array(1:24, dim=2:4)
Y <- list(a=1:3,b=2)
X[2] <- -1
track.summary(time=0, access=1, size=FALSE)
y1 <- 2
y2 <- 3
z1 <- 4
z2 <- 5
z3 <- 6
track.summary(time=0, access=1, size=FALSE)
a <- 7
b <- 8
save(list=c("a", "b"), file=file.path(tempdir(), "ab.rda"))
remove(list=c("a", "b"))
track.start(dir=file.path(tempdir(), 'rdatadir5'))
track.summary(time=0, access=1, size=FALSE)
track.load(file.path(tempdir(), "ab.rda"))
track.summary(time=0, access=1, size=FALSE)
# Would normally not call track.stop(), but do so here to clean up after
# running this example.
track.stop(pos=1, keepVars=TRUE)

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