string; Required.
named vector of length 1
potential names of the entry in the vector:
video_id: video ID.
channel_id: channel ID.
thread_id: comma-separated list of comment thread IDs
threads_related_to_channel: channel ID.
Comment resource requested. Required. Comma separated list of one or more of the
following: id, snippet. e.g., "id, snippet", "id", etc. Default: snippet.
Data Type: Character. Default is "html". Only takes "html" or "plainText". Optional.
Data Type: Boolean. Default is TRUE. If TRUE, the function returns a data frame. Else a list with all the information returned.
Maximum number of items that should be returned. Integer. Optional. Default is 100.
If the value is greater than 100 then the function fetches all the results. The outcome is a simplified data.frame.
Specific page in the result set that should be returned. Optional.
Nested named list. The entry items is a list of comments along with meta information.
Within each of the items is an item snippet which has an item topLevelComment$snippet$textDisplay
that contains the actual comment.
If simplify is TRUE, a data.frame with the following columns:
authorDisplayName, authorProfileImageUrl, authorChannelUrl, authorChannelId.value, videoId, textDisplay,
canRate, viewerRating, likeCount, publishedAt, updatedAt
# NOT RUN {# Set API token via yt_oauth() firstget_comment_threads(filter = c(video_id = "N708P-A45D0"))
get_comment_threads(filter = c(video_id = "N708P-A45D0"), max_results = 101)
# }