tweedie (version 2.1.7)

tweedie.profile: Tweedie Distributions: mle estimation of p


Maximum likelihood estimation of the Tweedie index parameter $p$.


tweedie.profile(formula, p.vec=NULL, xi.vec=NULL, link.power=0, 
      data, weights, offset, fit.glm=FALSE,
      do.smooth=TRUE, do.plot=FALSE,,
      control=list( epsilon=1e-09, maxit=glm.control()$maxit, trace=glm.control()$trace ),
      do.points=do.plot, method="inversion", conf.level=0.95, 
      phi.method=ifelse(method == "saddlepoint", "saddlepoint", "mle"), 
      verbose=FALSE, add0=FALSE)


a formula expression as for other regression models and generalized linear models, of the form response ~ predictors. For details, see the documentation for lm,
a vector of p values for consideration. The values must all be larger than one (if the response variable has exact zeros, the values must all be between one and two). If NULL (the default), p.vec is se
the same as p.vec; some authors use the $p$ notation for the index parameter, and some use $\xi$; this function detects which is used and then uses that notation throughout
the power link function to use. These link functions $g(\cdot)$ are of the form $g(\eta)=\eta^{\rm link.power}$, and the special case of link.power=0 (the default) refers to the logarithm link function. See the documentation f
an optional data frame, list or environment (or object coercible by to a data frame) containing the variables in the model. If not found in data, the variables are taken from environment(formu
an optional vector of weights to be used in the fitting process. Should be NULL or a numeric vector.
this can be used to specify an a priori known component to be included in the linear predictor during fitting. This should be NULL or a numeric vector of length either one or equal to the number of cases. One or mo
logical flag. If TRUE, the Tweedie generalized linear model is fitted using the value of $p$ found by the profiling function. If FALSE (the default), no model is fitted.
logical flag. If TRUE (the default), a spline is fitted to the data to smooth the profile likelihood plot. If FALSE, no smoothing is used (and the function is quicker). Note that p.vec must
logical flag. If TRUE, a plot of the profile likelihood is produce. If FALSE (the default), no plot is produced.
logical flag. If TRUE, the nominal 100*conf.level is computed. If FALSE, no confidence interval is computed. By default, is the same value as do.smooth, since a
the offset in computing the variance function. The default is eps=1/6 (as suggested by Nelder and Pregibon, 1987). Note eps is ignored unless the method="saddlepoint" as it makes no sense otherwise.
a list of parameters for controlling the fitting process; see glm.control and glm. The default is to use the maximum number of iterations maxit
plot the points on the plot where the (log-) likelihood is computed for the given values of p; defaults to the same value as do.plot
the method for computing the (log-) likelihood. One of "series", "inversion" (the default), "interpolation" or "saddlepoint". If there are any troubles using this function, often
the confidence level for the computation of the nominal confidence interval. The default is conf.level=0.95.
the method for estimating phi, one of "saddlepoint" or "mle". A maximum likelihood estimate is used unless method="saddlepoint", when the saddlepoint approximation method is used.
the amount of feedback requested: 0 or FALSE means minimal feedback (the default), 1 or TRUE means some feedback, or 2 means to show all feedback. Since the function can be slow
if TRUE, the value p=0 is used in forming the profile lohg-likelihood (corresponding to the normal distribution); the default value is add0=FALSE


  • The main purpose of the function is to estimate the value of the Tweedie index parameter, $p$, which is produced by the output list as p.max. Optionally (if do.plot=TRUE), a plot is produced that shows the profile log-likelihood computed at each value in p.vec (smoothed if do.smooth=TRUE). This function can be tempermental (for theoretical reasons involved in numerically computing the density), and this plot shows the values of $p$ requested on the horizontal axis (using rug); there may be fewer points on the plot, since the likelihood some values of $p$ requested may have returned NaN, Inf or NA. A list containing the components: y and x (such that plot(x,y) (partially) recreates the profile likelihood plot); ht (the height of the nominal confidence interval); L (the estimate of the (log-) likelihood at each given value of p); p (the p-values used); phi (the computed values of phi at the values in p); p.max (the estimate of the mle of p); L.max (the estimate of the (log-) likelihood at p.max); phi.max (the estimate of phi at p.max); ci (the lower and upper limits of the confidence interval for p); method (the method used for estimation: series, inversion, interpolation or saddlepoint); phi.method (the method used for estimation of phi: saddlepoint or phi). If is TRUE, the list also contains a component glm.obj, a glm object for the fitted Tweedie generalized linear model.


For each value in p.vec, the function computes an estimate of phi and then computes the value of the log-likelihood for these parameters. The plot of the log-likelihood against p.vec allows the maximum likelihood value of p to be found. Once the value of p is found, the distribution within the class of Tweedie distribution is identified.


Dunn, P. K. and Smyth, G. K. (2008). Evaluation of Tweedie exponential dispersion model densities by Fourier inversion. Statistics and Computing, 18, 73--86. Dunn, Peter K and Smyth, Gordon K (2001). Tweedie family densities: methods of evaluation. Proceedings of the 16th International Workshop on Statistical Modelling, Odense, Denmark, 2--6 July Jorgensen, B. (1987). Exponential dispersion models. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, B, 49, 127--162. Jorgensen, B. (1997). Theory of Dispersion Models. Chapman and Hall, London. Nelder, J. A. and Pregibon, D. (1987). An extended quasi-likelihood function. Biometrika 74(2), 221--232. Tweedie, M. C. K. (1984). An index which distinguishes between some important exponential families. Statistics: Applications and New Directions. Proceedings of the Indian Statistical Institute Golden Jubilee International Conference (Eds. J. K. Ghosh and J. Roy), pp. 579-604. Calcutta: Indian Statistical Institute.

See Also

dtweedie, dtweedie.saddle, tweedie


Run this code
library(statmod) # Needed to use  tweedie.profile
# Generate some fictitious data <- rgamma(n=200, scale=1, shape=1)
# The gamma is a Tweedie distribution with power=2;
# let's see if p=2 is suggested by  tweedie.profile:
out <- tweedie.profile( ~ 1, 
		p.vec=seq(1.5, 2.5, by=0.2) )

Run the code above in your browser using DataCamp Workspace