umx (version 1.9.1)

umx-deprecated: Deprecated. May already stop() code and ask to be updated. May be dropped entirely in future.


umxSaturated should be replaced with mxRefModels

umx_grep_labels should be replaced with umx_grep

grepSPSS_labels should be replaced with umx_grep

umxStart should be replaced with umxValues

umxTryHard is deprecated: use umxRun instead

genEpi_Jiggle is deprecated: use umxJiggle instead

umxLabels Is deprecated: use umxLabel instead

umxLabels Is deprecated: use umxLabel instead

umxPath is deprecated: Use mxPath and umxLabel instead

umxReportFit is deprecated: use umxSummary instead

umxGetLabels is deprecated: use umxGetParameters instead

stringToMxAlgebra is deprecated: please use umx_string_to_algebra instead

genEpi_EvalQuote is deprecated: please use umxEval instead

umxReportCIs is deprecated: please use umxCI instead

hasSquareBrackets is deprecated: please use umx_has_square_brackets instead

xmuHasSquareBrackets is deprecated: please use umx_has_square_brackets instead

replace umxReportFit with umxSummary

Replace umxGraph_RAM with plot

Replace tryHard with mxTryHard

Replace genEpi_ReRun with umxModify

Replace mxStart with umxValues

Replace umxLabeler with umxLabel

Replace standardizeRAM with umx_standardize_RAM

Replace genEpi_equate with umxEquate

Replace genEpi_Path with umxPath

Replace genEpiCompare with umxCompare

Replace mxLatent with umxLatent

Change to umx_as_numeric

Change cor.prob to umx_cor

Change umx_u_APA_pval to umx_APA_pval



the old function's parameters (now stripped out to avoid telling people how to do it the wrong way :-)

