unitizer (version 1.4.9)

unitize: Unitize an R Test Script


Turn standard R scripts into unit tests by storing the expressions therein along with the results of their evaluation.


unitize(test.file = NULL, store.id = NULL,
  state = getOption("unitizer.state"), pre = NULL, post = NULL,
  history = getOption("unitizer.history.file"),
  interactive.mode = interactive(), force.update = FALSE,
  auto.accept = character(0L),
  use.diff = getOption("unitizer.use.diff"))

review(store.id = NULL)

unitize_dir(test.dir = NULL, store.ids = filename_to_storeid, pattern = "^[^.].*\\.[Rr]$", state = getOption("unitizer.state"), pre = NULL, post = NULL, history = getOption("unitizer.history.file"), interactive.mode = interactive(), force.update = FALSE, auto.accept = character(0L), use.diff = getOption("unitizer.use.diff"))



path to the file containing tests, if supplied path does not match an actual system path, unitizer will try to infer a possible path. If NULL, will look for a file in the “tests/unitizer” package folder if it exists, or in “.” if it does not. See infer_unitizer_location) for details.


if NULL (default), unitizer will select a directory based on the test.file name by replacing .[rR] with .unitizer. You can also specify a directory name, or pass any object that has a defined get_unitizer method which allows you to specify non-standard unitizer storage mechanisms (see get_unitizer). Finally, you can pass an actual unitizer object if you are using review; see store.ids for unitize_dir


character(1L) one of c("prisitine", "recommended", "basic", "off", "safe"), an environment, or a state object produced by state or in_pkg; modifies how unitizer manages aspects of session state that could affect test evaluation, including the parent evaluation environment. For more details see unitizerState documentation and vignette("unitizer_reproducible_tests")


NULL, or a character vector pointing to files and/or directories. If a character vector, then any files referenced therein will be sourced, and any directories referenced therein will be scanned non-recursively for visible files ending in ".r" or ".R", which are then also sourced. If NULL, then unitizer will look for a directory named "_pre" in the directory containing the first test file and will treat it as if you had specified it in pre. Any objects created by those scripts will be put into a parent environment for all tests. This provides a mechanism for creating objects that are shared across different test files, as well as loading shared packages. Unlike objects created during test evaluation, any objects created here will not be stored in the unitizer so you will have not direct way to check whether these objects changed across unitizer runs. Additionally, typing ls from the review prompt will not list these objects.


NULL, or a character vector pointing to files and/or directories. See pre. If NULL will look for a directory named "_post" in the directory containing the first test file. Scripts are run just prior to exiting unitizer. post code will be run in an environment with the environment used to run pre as the parent. This means that any objects created in pre will be available to post, which you can use to your advantage if there are some things you do in pre you wish to undo in post. Keep in mind that unitizer can manage most aspects of global state, so you should not need to use this parameter to unload packages, remove objects, etc. See details.


character(1L) path to file to use to store history generated during interactive unitizer session; the default is an empty string, which leads to unitizer using a temporary file, set to NULL to disable history capture.


logical(1L) whether to run in interactive mode ( request user input when needed) or not (error if user input is required, e.g. if all tests do not pass).


logical(1L) if TRUE will give the option to re-store a unitizer after re-evaluating all the tests even if all tests passed. you can also toggle this option from the unitizer prompt by typing O, though force.update=TRUE will force update irrespective of what you do with O at the prompt


character(X) ADVANCED USE ONLY: YOU CAN EASILY DESTROY YOUR unitizer WITH THIS; whether to auto-accept tests without prompting, use values in c("new", "failed", "deleted", "error") to specify which type(s) of test you wish to auto accept (i.e. same as typing "Y" at the unitizer prompt) or empty character vector to turn off (default)


TRUE or FALSE, whether to use diffs when there is an error, if FALSE uses all.equal instead.


the directory to run the tests on; if NULL will use the “tests/unitizer” package folder if it exists, or “.” if it does not. See infer_unitizer_location) for details.


one of

  • a function that converts test file names to unitizer ids; if unitizeing multiple files will be lapplyed over each file

  • a character vector with unitizer ids, must be the same length as the number of test files being reviewed (see store.id)

  • a list of unitizer ids, must be the same length as the number of test files being reviewed; useful when you implement special storage mechanisms for the unitizers (see get_unitizer)


a regular expression used to match what subset of files in test.dir to unitize


unitize and company are intended to be used primarily for the interactive environment and side effects. The functions do return summary data about test outcomes and user input as unitizer_result objects, or for unitize_dir as unitizer_results objects, invisbly. See unitizer_result.

Default Settings

Many of the default settings are specfied in the form getOption("...") to allow the user to "permanently" set them to their prefered modes by setting options in their .Rprofile file.


unitize creates unit tests from a single R file, and unitize_dir creates tests from all the R files in the specified directory (analogous to testthat::test_dir).

unitizer stores are identified by unitizer ids, which by default are character strings containing the location of the folder the unitizer RDS files are kept in. unitize and friends will create a unitizer id for you based on the test file name and location, but you can specify your own location as an id, or even use a completely different mechanism to store the unitizer data by implementing S3 methods for get_unitizer and set_unitizer. For more details about storage see those functions.

review allows you to review existing unitizers and modify them by dropping tests from them. Tests are not evaluated in this mode; you are just allowed to review the results of previous evaluations of the tests Because of this, no effort is made to create reproducible state in the browsing environments, unlike with unitize or unitize_dir (see state parameter).

You are strongly encouraged to read through vignette("unitizer") for details and examples. The demo (demo("unitizer")) is also a good introduction to these functions.

See Also

unitizerState, unitizer.opts, get_unitizer, infer_unitizer_location, unitizer_result