unitizer (version 1.4.9)

unitizer.opts: Unitizer Options


Description of major unitizer option settings. Once unitizer is loaded, you can see a full list of unitizer options with grep("^unitizer", options(), value=TRUE).


Basic State Options

Basic state options:

  • unitizer.state: default state tracking setting (see unitizerState)

  • unitizer.seed: default seed to use when random seed tracking is enabled; this is of type "Wichman-Hill" because it is a lot more compact than the default R random seed, and should be adequate for most unit testing purposes.

Options State Options

Additionally, when tracking option state we set options to what you would find in a freshly loaded vanilla R session, except for systems specific options which we leave unchanged (e.g. getOption("papersize")). If you want to add default option values or options to leave unchanged, you can use:

  • unitizer.opts.init: named list, where names are options, and the associated value is the value to use as the default value for that option when a unitizer is launched with options tracking enabled.

  • unitizer.opts.asis: character, containing regular expressions to match options to leave unchanged (e.g "^unitizer\.")

Search Path and Namespace State Options

We also provide options to limit what elements can be removed from the search path and/or have their namespaces unloaded when unitizer tracks the search path state. For example, we use this mechanism to prevent removal of the unitizer package itself as well as the default R vanilla session packages.

  • unitizer.namespace.keep: character, names of namespaces to keep loaded (e.g. "utils"); note that any imported namespaces imported by namespaces listed here will also remain loaded

  • unitizer.search.path.keep: character, names of objects to keep on search path (e.g. "package:utils", note the "package:"); associated namespaces will also be kept loaded

IMPORTANT: There is a dependency between options tracking and search path / namespace exceptions that stems from most packages setting their default options when they are loaded. As a result, if you add any packages or namespaces to these options and options state tracking is enabled, then you must also add their options to unitizer.opts.init or unitizer.opts.asis to ensure those options remain loaded or at least set to reasonable values. If you do not do this the packages risk having their options unset.

Some packages cannot be easily loaded and unloaded. For example data.table (<= 1.9.5) cannot be unloaded without causing a segfault (see issue #990). For this reason data.table is included in getOption("unitizer.namespace.keep") by default.

Sytem Default State Options

The following options hold the default system values for the search path / namespace and options state tracking options:

  • unitizer.namespace.keep.base: namespaces that are known to cause problems when unloaded (as of this writing includes data.table)

  • unitizer.search.path.keep.base: vanilla R session packages, plus "package:unitizer" and "tools:rstudio", the latter because its implementation prevents re-attaching it if it is detached.

  • unitizer.opts.asis.base: system specific options that should not affect test evaluation (e.g. getOption("editor")).

  • unitizer.opts.init.base: base options (e.g. getOption("width") that will be set to what we believe are the factory settings for them.

These are kept separate from the user specified ones to limit the possibility of inadvertent modification. They are exposed as options to allow the user to unset single values if required, though this is intended to be rare. unitizer runs with the union of user options and the system versions described here. For unitizer.opts.init, any options set that are also present in unitizer.opts.init.base will overrule the base version.

Display / Text Capture Options

These options control how unitizer displays data such as diffs, test results, etc.

  • unitizer.test.out.lines: integer(2L), where first values is maximum number of lines of screen output to show for each test, and second value is the number of lines to show if there are more lines than allowed by the first value

  • unitizer.test.msg.lines: like unitizer.test.out.lines, but for stderr output

  • unitizer.test.fail.context.lines: integer(2L), used exclusively when comparing new to references tests when test faile; first values is maximum number of lines of context to show around a test, centered on differences if there are any, and second value is the number of context lines to show if using the first value is not sufficient to fully display the test results

  • unitizer.show.output: TRUE or FALSE, whether to display test stdout and stderr output as it is evaluated.

  • unitizer.disable.capt: logical(2L), not NA, with names c("output", "message") where each value indicates whether the corresponding stream should be captured or not. For stdout the stream is still captured but setting the value to FALSE tees it.

  • unitizer.max.capture.chars: integer(1L) maximum number of characters to allow capture of per test

  • unitizer.color whether to use ANSI color escape sequences, set to TRUE to force, FALSE to force off, or NULL to attempt to auto detect (based on code from package:crayon, thanks Gabor Csardi)

  • unitizer.use.diff TRUE or FALSE, whether to use a diff of test errors (defaults to TRUE)

Misc Options

  • unitizer.history.file character(1L) location of file to use to store history of command entered by user in in interactive unitizer prompt; "" is interpreted as tempfile()

  • unitizer.prompt.b4.quit.time integer(1L) unitizers that take more seconds than this to evaluate will post a confirmation prompt before quitting; this is to avoid accidentally quitting after running a unitizer with many slow running tests and having to re-run them again.

  • unitizer.restarts.ok TRUE or FALSE, suppresses warnings when running inside a `withRestarts` block, which is normally a warning. Needed due to `test_that` adding a `withRestart`

See Also
