ursa (version 3.8.8)

spatial_engine: Wrapper functions for manipulation with non-raster objects


These wrappers return iniform properties or do consimilar manipulations for spatial objects of different types: simple features (package sf) and abstract class Spatial (package sp). Appropriate functionality (“engine”) of respective packages is used.


spatial_engine(obj, verbose = FALSE)

spatial_crs(obj, verbose = FALSE) spatial_proj4(obj, verbose = FALSE)

spatial_crs(obj, verbose = FALSE) <- value spatial_proj4(obj, verbose = FALSE) <- value

spatial_bbox(obj, verbose = FALSE) spatial_bbox(obj, verbose = FALSE) <- value

spatial_data(obj, subset= ".+", drop = NA, verbose = FALSE) spatial_data(obj, verbose = FALSE) <- value

spatial_geometry(obj, verbose = FALSE) spatial_geometry(obj, verbose = FALSE) <- value

spatial_geotype(obj, verbose = FALSE)

spatial_transform(obj, crs, verbose = FALSE, ...)

spatial_coordinates(obj, verbose = FALSE)

spatial_fields(obj, verbose = FALSE) spatial_colnames(obj, verbose = FALSE)

spatial_fields(obj, verbose = FALSE) <- value spatial_colnames(obj, verbose = FALSE) <- value

spatial_area(obj, verbose = FALSE)

spatial_dim(obj, verbose = FALSE)

spatial_count(obj, verbose = FALSE)

spatial_nrow(obj, verbose = FALSE) spatial_ncol(obj, verbose = FALSE)

spatial_filelist(path = ".", pattern = NA, full.names = TRUE, recursive = FALSE)

is_spatial(obj, verbose = FALSE)

is_spatial_points(obj, verbose = FALSE) is_spatial_lines(obj, verbose = FALSE) is_spatial_polygons(obj, verbose = FALSE)



Simple feature (package sf) or Spatial abstract class (package sp) for all functions, excepting spatial_geometry<-. Data frame for Replace function spatial_geometry<-.


Projection EPSG code or projection PROJ.4 string.


Pattern to field names (colnames) of attribute table (data frame) for subbsetting using regular expressions. By default, all fields are secected.


Logical. Dropping column of data frame. If TRUE, then vector of data is returned. If FALSE, then structure of data is kept. Default is NA, which is interpreted as TRUE for single column and as FALSE for multiple columns.


Value for property assignment in replacement functions. Either numeric EPSG code or character PROJ.4 string for spatial_crs<- and spatial_proj4<-. Spatial object or geometry of spatial object for spatial_geometry<-.


See description of argument path in function dir.


See description of argument pattern in function dir.


See description of argument full.names in function dir.


See description of argument full.names in function dir.


Logical. Value TRUE provides information on console. Default is FALSE.

Further arguments passed to sf::st_transform or to sp::spTransform


spatial_engine returns package name (character string "sf" or "sp"), which functionality is used for manipulation with spatial object obj.

spatial_crs and spatial_proj4 are synonyms, The Extract functions return projection string in the PROJ.4 notation; the Replace functions change projection property of the object.

spatial_bbox (Extract function) returns numeric vector of length 4 with names "xmin", "ymin", "xmax" and "ymax".

spatial_bbox<- (Replace function) assigns boundary bbox to the object; it is valid only for objects of Spatial abstract class (package sp).

spatial_data (Extract function) returns attribute table only, without geometry. Subsetting fields can be specified by argument subset using regular expressions. If drop=TRUE and selected single column then vector is returned instead of data frame.

spatial_data<- (Replace function) addes spatial data to the object geomerty. Source data (if presents) are droped.

spatial_geometry (Extract function) returns only geometry, which format is depended on class of obj.

spatial_geometry<- (Replace function) addes geometry to the object.

spatial_transform does a transformation of spatial coordinates to the new CRS and returns object of the same class as class of obj.

spatial_geotype returns type of spatial data: "POINTS", "LINESTRINGS", "POLYGON", "MULTIPOLYGON", ….

spatial_coordinates returns simpliefied matrix or list of coordinates of original object.

Extract functions spatial_fields and spatial_columns return column names of spatial attributive table. spatial_columns is synonym to spatial_fields.

Replace functions spatial_fields<- and spatial_columns<- change column names of spatial attributive table. spatial_columns<- is synonym to spatial_fields<-.

spatial_area is valid for polygonal geometry. It returns area of polygons.

spatial_length is valid for linear geometry. It returns length of lines.

spatial_dim gets dimension of spatial coordinates; it returns either 2L (XY) or 3L (XYZ).

spatial_count returns number of items of object geometry.

spatial_nrow and spatial_ncol return number of rows and number of columns of attributive table.

spatial_filelist returns list of files with file extensions, which are associated with certain GIS vector formats. The function's basis is dir.

is_spatial returns logical value does the object belong to the class of spatial data.

is_spatial_points returns logical value does the object have point geometry.

is_spatial_lines returns logical value does the object have (multi)linestring geometry.

is_spatial_polygons returns logical value does the object have (multi)polygonal geometry.


Classes and methods in packages sf and sp help.


Run this code
n <- 1e2
x <- runif(n,min=25,max=65)
y <- runif(n,min=55,max=65)
z <- runif(n,min=1,max=10)
da <- data.frame(x=x,y=y,z=z)
if (requireNamespace("sp")) {
   da.sp <- da
   sp::coordinates(da.sp) <- ~x+y
   sp::proj4string(da.sp) <- "+init=epsg:4326"
if (requireNamespace("sf")) {
   da.sf <- sf::st_as_sf(da,coords=c("x","y"),crs=4326)
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataCamp Workspace