usethis (version 1.4.0)

ci: Continuous integration setup and badges


Sets up continuous integration (CI) services for an R package that is developed on GitHub. CI services can run R CMD check automatically on various platforms, triggered by each push or pull request. These functions

  • Add service-specific configuration files and add them to .Rbuildignore.

  • Activate a service or give the user a detailed prompt.

  • Provide the markdown to insert a badge into README.


use_travis(browse = interactive())

use_coverage(type = c("codecov", "coveralls"))

use_appveyor(browse = interactive())



Open a browser window to enable automatic builds for the package.


Which web service to use for test reporting. Currently supports Codecov and Coveralls.


Adds a basic .travis.yml to the top-level directory of a package. This is a configuration file for the Travis CI continuous integration service.


Adds test coverage reports to a package that is already using Travis CI.


Adds a basic appveyor.yml to the top-level directory of a package. This is a configuration file for the AppVeyor continuous integration service for Windows.