usethis (version 1.5.1)

ci: Continuous integration setup and badges


Sets up continuous integration (CI) services for an R package that is developed on GitHub. CI services can run R CMD check automatically on various platforms, triggered by each push or pull request. These functions

  • Add service-specific configuration files and add them to .Rbuildignore.

  • Activate a service or give the user a detailed prompt.

  • Provide the markdown to insert a badge into README.


use_travis(browse = interactive(), ext = c("org", "com"))

use_appveyor(browse = interactive())


use_circleci(browse = interactive(), image = "rocker/verse:latest")



Open a browser window to enable automatic builds for the package.


which travis website to use. default to "org"for Change to "com" for


The Docker image to use for build. Must be available on DockerHub. The rocker/verse image includes TeX Live, pandoc, and the tidyverse packages. For a minimal image, try rocker/r-ver. To specify a version of R, change the tag from latest to the version you want, e.g. rocker/r-ver:3.5.3.


Adds a basic .travis.yml to the top-level directory of a package. This is a configuration file for the Travis CI continuous integration service.


Adds a basic appveyor.yml to the top-level directory of a package. This is a configuration file for the AppVeyor continuous integration service for Windows.


Adds a basic .gitlab-ci.yml to the top-level directory of a package. This is a configuration file for the GitLab CI/CD continuous integration service for GitLab.


Adds a basic .circleci/config.yml to the top-level directory of a package. This is a configuration file for the CircleCI continuous integration service.