utils (version 3.2.4)

browseEnv: Browse Objects in Environment


The browseEnv function opens a browser with list of objects currently in sys.frame() environment.


browseEnv(envir = .GlobalEnv, pattern, excludepatt = "^last\\.warning", html = .Platform$GUI != "AQUA", expanded = TRUE, properties = NULL, main = NULL, debugMe = FALSE)


an environment the objects of which are to be browsed.
a regular expression for object subselection is passed to the internal ls() call.
a regular expression for dropping objects with matching names.
is used to display the workspace on a HTML page in your favorite browser. The default except when running from R.app on OS X.
whether to show one level of recursion. It can be useful to switch it to FALSE if your workspace is large. This option is ignored if html is set to FALSE.
a named list of global properties (of the objects chosen) to be showed in the browser; when NULL (as per default), user, date, and machine information is used.
a title string to be used in the browser; when NULL (as per default) a title is constructed.
logical switch; if true, some diagnostic output is produced.


Very experimental code: displays a static HTML page on all platforms except R.app on OS X.

Only allows one level of recursion into object structures.

It can be generalized. See sources for details. Most probably, this should rather work through using the tkWidget package (from https://www.bioconductor.org).

See Also

str, ls.


Run this code
if(interactive()) {
   ## create some interesting objects :
   ofa <- ordered(4:1)
   ex1 <- expression(1+ 0:9)
   ex3 <- expression(u, v, 1+ 0:9)
   example(factor, echo = FALSE)
   example(table, echo = FALSE)
   example(ftable, echo = FALSE)
   example(lm, echo = FALSE, ask = FALSE)
   example(str, echo = FALSE)

   ## and browse them:

   ## a (simple) function's environment:
   af12 <- approxfun(1:2, 1:2, method = "const")
   browseEnv(envir = environment(af12))

Run the code above in your browser using DataCamp Workspace