vadr (version 0.01)

vadr: Make R the language you wish R was like.


This package implements workalikes for the author's (and perhaps your) favorite features from other languages, making R programs shorter and more expressive. The centerpiece is an efficient facility for Common Lisp-style macros. Built on that are a nice destructuring-bind for parallel assignment of variables, a pipline macro similar to the "->" macro of Clojure, and other utilities.



Of note are:

  • chain, a function for increasing code clarity and concision by carrying the output of one function into the input of the next, akin to UNIX shell pipelines, or the -> macro of Clojure.

  • bind, an R-ish implementation of "destructuring bind" or parallel assignment.
  • index, which provides some "missing" indexing operations on data.frames;
  • qq or quasiquote, a more complete version of bquote;
  • dots which exposes dot lists (...) as first class objects with a useful API.
  • macro which helps write syntactic transforming functions and makes them fast;
  • fun, which is the shortest possible way to define a throwaway function.