vcr (version 0.5.4)

testing: Using vcr for unit testing


Using vcr for unit testing


Using <span class="pkg">vcr</span> with <span class="pkg">testthat</span>

vcr supports use with the testthat package. Here's the steps to follow:

First, note that vcr only works with a single HTTP client for now: crul

  • In addition to testthat, add vcr and webmockr to your Suggests in your DESCRIPTION file

  • Add a file (named e.g., vcr-config.R) to your tests/testthat/ directory. In that file add your vcr configuration settings. See vcr_configure for help on configuration settings.

  • For any given test use the following:

    use_cassette("foobar", {
      aa <- hello::world()
      expect_is(aa, "SomeClass")
      expect_equal(length(aa), 3)

    And the tests will behave as normally.

    The first request will make a real HTTP request. Following requests will pull from the cached responses on cassette.