vdiffr (version 0.3.3)

htmlwidgets: HTML Widgets for graphical comparison


These widgets can be used at the console and embedded in a R Markdown document or Shiny application.


widget_toggle_(before, after, ..., width = NULL, height = NULL)

widget_slide_(before, after, ..., width = NULL, height = NULL)

widget_diff_(before, after, ..., width = NULL, height = NULL)

widget_toggle(before, after, ..., width = NULL, height = NULL)

widget_slide(before, after, ..., width = NULL, height = NULL)

widget_diff(before, after, ..., width = NULL, height = NULL)



The picture that is taken as reference.


The picture against which the reference is compared.


Unused. Meant for collecting unknown arguments and allow widget extensions.


Fixed width for widget (in css units). The default is NULL, which results in intelligent automatic sizing based on the widget's container.


Fixed height for widget (in css units). The default is NULL, which results in intelligent automatic sizing based on the widget's container.


The regular versions take plots or functions as before and after arguments (see expect_doppelganger() for details). The versions suffixed with underscores take HTML image sources. These can be paths to SVG files or inlined SVG images. Currently, widget_diff_() is compatible only with inlined images.


Run this code
p1 <- function() hist(mtcars$disp)
p2 <- function() hist(mtcars$drat)

# You can also call these functions in a R Markdown document or
# in a Shiny application:
widget_toggle(p1, p2)
widget_slide(p1, p2)
widget_diff(p1, p2)
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab