vip (version 0.4.1)

vi_permute: Permutation-based variable importance


Compute permutation-based variable importance scores for the predictors in a model; for details on the algorithm, see Greenwell and Boehmke (2020).


vi_permute(object, ...)

# S3 method for default vi_permute( object, feature_names = NULL, train = NULL, target = NULL, metric = NULL, smaller_is_better = NULL, type = c("difference", "ratio"), nsim = 1, keep = TRUE, sample_size = NULL, sample_frac = NULL, reference_class = NULL, event_level = NULL, pred_wrapper = NULL, verbose = FALSE, parallel = FALSE, parallelize_by = c("features", "repetitions"), ... )


A tidy data frame (i.e., a tibble object) with two columns:

  • Variable - the corresponding feature name;

  • Importance - the associated importance, computed as the average change in performance after a random permutation (or permutations, if nsim > 1) of the feature in question.

If nsim > 1, then an additional column (StDev) containing the standard deviation of the individual permutation scores for each feature is also returned; this helps assess the stability/variation of the individual permutation importance for each feature.



A fitted model object (e.g., a randomForest object).


Additional optional arguments to be passed on to foreach (e.g., .packages or .export).


Character string giving the names of the predictor variables (i.e., features) of interest. If NULL (the default) then they will be inferred from the train and target arguments (see below). It is good practice to always specify this argument.


A matrix-like R object (e.g., a data frame or matrix) containing the training data. If NULL (the default) then the internal get_training_data() function will be called to try and extract it automatically. It is good practice to always specify this argument.


Either a character string giving the name (or position) of the target column in train or, if train only contains feature columns, a vector containing the target values used to train object.


Either a function or character string specifying the performance metric to use in computing model performance (e.g., RMSE for regression or accuracy for binary classification). If metric is a function, then it requires two arguments, actual and predicted, and should return a single, numeric value. Ideally, this should be the same metric that was used to train object. See list_metrics() for a list of built-in metrics.


Logical indicating whether or not a smaller value of metric is better. Default is NULL. Must be supplied if metric is a user-supplied function.


Character string specifying how to compare the baseline and permuted performance metrics. Current options are "difference" (the default) and "ratio".


Integer specifying the number of Monte Carlo replications to perform. Default is 1. If nsim > 1, the results from each replication are simply averaged together (the standard deviation will also be returned).


Logical indicating whether or not to keep the individual permutation scores for all nsim repetitions. If TRUE (the default) then the individual variable importance scores will be stored in an attribute called "raw_scores". (Only used when nsim > 1.)


Integer specifying the size of the random sample to use for each Monte Carlo repetition. Default is NULL (i.e., use all of the available training data). Cannot be specified with sample_frac. Can be used to reduce computation time with large data sets.


Proportion specifying the size of the random sample to use for each Monte Carlo repetition. Default is NULL (i.e., use all of the available training data). Cannot be specified with sample_size. Can be used to reduce computation time with large data sets.


Deprecated, use event_level instead.


String specifying which factor level of truth to consider as the "event". Options are "first" (the default) or "second". This argument is only applicable for binary classification when metric is one of "roc_auc", "pr_auc", or "youden". This argument is passed on to the corresponding yardstick metric.


Prediction function that requires two arguments, object and newdata. The output of this function should be determined by the metric being used:

  • Regression - A numeric vector of predicted outcomes.

  • Binary classification - A vector of predicted class labels (e.g., if using misclassification error) or a vector of predicted class probabilities for the reference class (e.g., if using log loss or AUC).

  • Multiclass classification - A vector of predicted class labels (e.g., if using misclassification error) or a A matrix/data frame of predicted class probabilities for each class (e.g., if using log loss or AUC).


Logical indicating whether or not to print information during the construction of variable importance scores. Default is FALSE.


Logical indicating whether or not to run vi_permute() in parallel (using a backend provided by the foreach package). Default is FALSE. If TRUE, a foreach-compatible backend must be provided by must be provided. Note that set.seed() will not not work with foreach's parellelized for loops; for a workaround, see this solution.


Character string specifying whether to parallelize across features (parallelize_by = "features") or repetitions (parallelize_by = "reps"); the latter is only useful whenever nsim > 1. Default is "features".


Brandon M. Greenwell and Bradley C. Boehmke, The R Journal (2020) 12:1, pages 343-366.