visNetwork (version 2.1.2)

visHclust: Visualize Hierarchical cluster analysis.


Visualize Hierarchical cluster analysis hclust. This function compute distance using dist, and Hierarchical cluster analysis using hclust (from stats package or flashClust if installed), and render the tree with visNetwork, adding informations. Can also be called on a hclust or dist object. Needed packages : sparkline (graphics on tooltip), ggraph, igraph, flashClust


visHclust(object, ...)

# S3 method for default visHclust(object, ...)

# S3 method for data.frame visHclust( object, main = "", submain = "", footer = "", distColumns = NULL, distMethod = "euclidean", hclustMethod = "complete", cutree = 0, tooltipColumns = 1:ncol(object), colorEdges = "black", colorGroups = substr(rainbow(cutree), 1, 7), highlightNearest = TRUE, horizontal = FALSE, minNodeSize = 50, maxNodeSize = 200, nodesPopSize = TRUE, height = "600px", width = "100%", export = TRUE, ... )

# S3 method for dist visHclust( object, data = NULL, main = "", submain = "", footer = "", cutree = 0, hclustMethod = "complete", tooltipColumns = if (!is.null(data)) { 1:ncol(data) } else { NULL }, colorEdges = "black", colorGroups = substr(rainbow(cutree), 1, 7), highlightNearest = TRUE, horizontal = FALSE, minNodeSize = 50, maxNodeSize = 200, nodesPopSize = TRUE, height = "600px", width = "100%", export = TRUE, ... )

# S3 method for hclust visHclust( object, data = NULL, main = "", submain = "", footer = "", cutree = 0, tooltipColumns = if (!is.null(data)) { 1:ncol(data) } else { NULL }, colorEdges = "black", colorGroups = substr(rainbow(cutree), 1, 7), highlightNearest = TRUE, horizontal = FALSE, minNodeSize = 50, maxNodeSize = 200, nodesPopSize = TRUE, height = "600px", width = "100%", export = TRUE, ... )



hclust | dist | data.frame.


Don't use


Title. See visNetwork


Subtitle. See visNetwork


Footer. See visNetwork


numeric, indice of columns used for compute distance. If NULL (default), keep all numeric and integer columns. If Not NULL, keep only numeric and integer columns


character, the distance measure to be used for dist function. Default to 'euclidean'.


character, the agglomeration method to be used for hclust function. Default to 'complete'.


numeric or integer, desired number of groups. Default to 0.


numeric, adding mini-graphics in tooltips using sparkline ? Indice of columns used in tooltip. All by default. So, we add boxplot / pie focus on sub-population vs all population using sparkline package. NULL to disable.


character, color of edges. Default to 'black'.


character, color for group in hexa ("#00FF00"). Default rainbow.


boolean, highlight sub-tree on click ? Default to TRUE.


boolean, default to FALSE


numeric, in case of nodesPopSize, minimum size of a node. Default to 50. Else minNodeSize + maxNodeSize / 2.


numeric, in case of nodesPopSize, maximum size of a node. Default to 200. Else minNodeSize + maxNodeSize / 2.


boolean, nodes sizes depends on population ? Default to TRUE.


character, default to "600px"


character, default to "100%"


boolean, add button for export. Default to TRUE


data.frame, data.frame with data. Only for hclust or dist object.


Run this code

if (FALSE) {

# data.frame

# default call on data.frame
visHclust(iris, cutree = 3, colorEdges = "red")

# update some parameters
visHclust(iris, cutree = 3, tooltipColumns = c(1, 5),
  colorGroups = c("red", "blue", "green"), horizontal = TRUE)
# no graphics on tooltip
visHclust(iris, cutree = 3, tooltipColumns = NULL,
  main = "Hclust on iris")
# Title(s)
visHclust(iris, cutree = 3,  main ="My_title",
          submain = "My_sub_title", footer = "My_footer")
# Export
visHclust(iris, cutree = 3, export = TRUE)

# update group / individual nodes
visHclust(iris, cutree = 8) %>% 
 visGroups(groupname = "group", color ="black", 
   shape = "triangleDown", size = 75)  %>% 
 visGroups(groupname = "individual", 
   font = list(size = 150),
   color = list(background = "white", border = "purple", 
            highlight = "#e2e9e9", hover = "orange"), shape = "box") 

# dist

# without adding data & info in tooltip
visHclust(dist(iris[,1:4]), cutree = 3)
# adding data & info in tooltip
visHclust(dist(iris[,1:4]), cutree = 3, data = iris)

# hclust

# without adding data & info in tooltip
visHclust(hclust(dist(iris[,1:4])), cutree = 3)
# adding data & info in tooltip
visHclust(hclust(dist(iris[,1:4])), cutree = 3, data = iris) 

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab