vitae (version 0.5.4)

brief_entries: CV entries


This function accepts a data object (such as a tibble) and formats the output into a suitable format for the template used. The inputs can also involve further calculations, which will be done using the provided data.


brief_entries(data, what, when, with, .protect = TRUE)

detailed_entries(data, what, when, with, where, why, .protect = TRUE)



A data.frame or tibble.


The primary value of the entry (such as workplace title or degree).


The time of the entry (such as the period spent in the role).


The company or organisation.


When TRUE, inputs to the previous arguments will be protected from being parsed as LaTeX code.


The location of the entry.


Any additional information, to be included as dot points. Multiple dot points can be provided via a list column. Alternatively, if the same what, when, with, and where combinations are found in multiple rows, the why entries of these rows will be combined into a list.


All non-data inputs are optional, and will result in an empty space if omitted.


Run this code
packages_used <- tibble::tribble(
  ~ package, ~ date, ~ language, ~ timezone, ~ details,
  "vitae", Sys.Date(), "R", Sys.timezone(), c("Making my CV with vitae.", "Multiple why entries."),
  "rmarkdown", Sys.Date()-10, "R", Sys.timezone(), "Writing reproducible, dynamic reports using R."
packages_used %>%
  detailed_entries(what = package, when = date, with = language, where = timezone, why = details)

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