whitening (version 1.4.0)

forina1986: Forina 1986 Wine Data - Extended UCI Wine Data


The forina1986 dataset describes 27 properties of 178 samples of wine from three grape varieties (59 Barolo, 71 Grignolino, 48 Barbera) as reported in Forina et al. (1986).





A list containing the following components:

attribs collects measurements for 27 attributes of 178 wine samples.

type describes the variety ("Barolo", "Grignolino", or "Barbera").


This data set contains the full set of covariates described in Forina et al. (1986) except for Sulphate (variable 15 in Forina et al. 1986). These are: 1) Alcohol, 2) Sugar-free extract, 3) Fixed acidity, 4) Tartaric acid, 5) Malic acid, 6) Uronic acids, 7) pH, 8) Ash, 9) Alcalinity of ash, 10) Potassium, 11) Calcium, 12) Magnesium, 13) Phosphate, 14) Chloride, 15) Total phenols, 16) Flavanoids, 17) Nonflavanoid phenols, 18) Proanthocyanins, 19) Color intensity, 20) Hue, 21) OD280/OD315 of diluted wines, 22) OD280/OD315 of flavonoids, 23) Glycerol, 24) 2-3-butanediol, 25) Total nitrogen, 26) Proline, and 27) Methanol.

The UCI wine data set (https://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/datasets/wine) is a subset of the Forina et al. (1986) data set comprising only 13 variables.


Forina, M., Armanino, C., Castino, M., and Ubigli, M. Multivariate data analysis as a discriminating method of the origin of wines. Vitis 25:189-201 (1986). https://ojs.openagrar.de/index.php/VITIS/article/view/5950.


Run this code
# load whitening library

# load Forina 1986 wine data set

#    Barolo Grignolino    Barbera 
#        59         71         48

# 178  27

# [1] "Alcohol"                      "Sugar-free extract"          
# [3] "Fixed acidity"                "Tartaric acid"               
# [5] "Malic acid"                   "Uronic acids"                
# [7] "pH"                           "Ash"                         
# [9] "Alkalinity of ash"            "Potassium"                   
#[11] "Calcium"                      "Magnesium"                   
#[13] "Phosphate"                    "Chloride"                    
#[15] "Total phenols"                "Flavanoids"                  
#[17] "Nonflavanoid phenols"         "Proanthocyanins"             
#[19] "Color intensity"              "Hue"                         
#[21] "OD280/OD315 of diluted wines" "OD280/OD315 of flavonoids"   
#[23] "Glycerol"                     "2-3-butanediol"              
#[25] "Total nitrogen"               "Proline"                     
#[27] "Methanol"  

# PCA-cor whitened data
Z = whiten(forina1986$attrib, method="PCA-cor") 

wt = as.integer(forina1986$type)
plot(Z[,1], Z[,2], xlab=expression(paste(Z[1])), ylab=expression(paste(Z[2])), 
  main="Forina 1986 Wine Data", sub="PCA-cor Whitening", col=wt, pch=wt+14)
legend("topright", levels(forina1986$type)[1:3], col=1:3, pch=(1:3)+14 )

## relationship to UCI wine data

# UCI wine data is a subset
uciwine.attrib = forina1986$attrib[, c("Alcohol", "Malic acid", "Ash", 
  "Alcalinity of ash", "Magnesium", "Total phenols", "Flavanoids", 
  "Nonflavanoid phenols", "Proanthocyanins", "Color intensity", "Hue", 
  "OD280/OD315 of diluted wines", "Proline")]

# two small differences compared to UCI wine data matrix
uciwine.attrib[172,"Color intensity"]  # 9.9 but 9.899999 in UCI matrix
uciwine.attrib[71,"Hue"] # 0.91 but 0.906 in UCI matrix
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab