xaringan (version 0.30)

moon_reader: An R Markdown output format for remark.js slides


This output format produces an HTML file that contains the Markdown source (knitted from R Markdown) and JavaScript code to render slides. tsukuyomi() is an alias of moon_reader().


  css = c("default", "default-fonts"),
  self_contained = FALSE,
  seal = TRUE,
  yolo = FALSE,
  chakra = "https://remarkjs.com/downloads/remark-latest.min.js",
  nature = list(),
  anchor_sections = FALSE,




A vector of CSS file paths. Two default CSS files (default.css and default-fonts.css) are provided in this package, which was borrowed from https://remarkjs.com. If the character vector css contains a value that does not end with .css, it is supposed to be a built-in CSS file in this package, e.g., for css = c('default', 'extra.css')), it means default.css in this package and a user-provided extra.css. To find out all built-in CSS files, use xaringan:::list_css(). With rmarkdown >= 2.8, Sass files (filenames ending with .scss or .sass) can also be used, and they will be processed by the sass package, which needs to be installed.


Whether to produce a self-contained HTML file by embedding all external resources into the HTML file. See the ‘Note’ section below.


Whether to generate a title slide automatically using the YAML metadata of the R Markdown document (if FALSE, you should write the title slide by yourself).


Whether to insert the Mustache Karl (TM) randomly in the slides. TRUE means insert his picture on one slide, and if you want him to be on multiple slides, set yolo to a positive integer or a percentage (e.g. 0.3 means 30% of your slides will be the Mustache Karl). Alternatively, yolo can also be a list of the form list(times = n, img = path): n is the number of times to show an image, and path is the path to an image (by default, it is Karl).


A path to the remark.js library (can be either local or remote). Please note that if you use the default remote latest version of remark.js, your slides will not work when you do not have Internet access. They might also be broken after a newer version of remark.js is released. If these issues concern you, you should download remark.js locally (e.g., via summon_remark()), and use the local version instead.


(Nature transformation) A list of configurations to be passed to remark.create(), e.g. list(ratio = '16:9', navigation = list(click = TRUE)); see https://github.com/gnab/remark/wiki/Configuration. Besides the options provided by remark.js, you can also set autoplay to a number (the number of milliseconds) so the slides will be played every autoplay milliseconds; alternatively, autoplay can be a list of the form list(interval = N, loop = TRUE), so the slides will go to the next page every N milliseconds, and optionally go back to the first page to restart the play when loop = TRUE. You can also set countdown to a number (the number of milliseconds) to include a countdown timer on each slide. If using autoplay, you can optionally set countdown to TRUE to include a countdown equal to autoplay. To alter the set of classes applied to the title slide, you can optionally set titleSlideClass to a vector of classes; the default is c("center", "middle", "inverse").

anchor_sections, ...

For tsukuyomi(), arguments passed to moon_reader(); for moon_reader(), arguments passed to rmarkdown::html_document().


Tsukuyomi is a genjutsu to trap the target in an illusion on eye contact.

If you are unfamiliar with CSS, please see the xaringan wiki on Github providing CSS slide modification examples.




Run this code
# rmarkdown::render('foo.Rmd', 'xaringan::moon_reader')

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab