yaml (version 1.1.0)

as.yaml: Convert an R object into a YAML string


Generic functions to convert R objects into YAML strings


## S3 method for class 'list':
as.yaml(x, line.sep = c("\n", "\r\n"), indent = 2, pre.indent = 0, omap = FALSE, ...)
  ## S3 method for class 'data.frame':
as.yaml(x, line.sep = c("\n", "\r\n"), indent = 2, pre.indent = 0, column.major = TRUE, ...)
  ## S3 method for class 'default':
as.yaml(x, line.sep = c("\n", "\r\n"), indent = 2, pre.indent = 0, ...)


the object to be converted
the line separator character(s) to use
the number of spaces to use for indenting
number of indentations to put before each line; see Details
determines whether or not to convert a list to a YAML omap; see Details
determines how to convert a data.frame; see Details
other options to pass to the generic functions


  • Returns a YAML string which can be loaded using yaml.load or copied into a file for external use.


The pre.indent option specifies how many times to indent before each line, rather than how many spaces you want before each line. For example, if you want 3 spaces before each line, you would say: as.yaml(1:10, indent = 3, pre.indent = 1).

If you set the omap option to TRUE, as.yaml will tag the YAML document as an omap, which is an ordered map. This will maintain the order of elements in the list.

The column.major option determines how a data frame is converted. If TRUE, the data frame is converted into a map of sequences where the name of each column is a key. If FALSE, the data frame is converted into a sequence of maps, where each element in the sequence is a row. You'll probably almost always want to leave this as TRUE (which is the default), because using yaml.load on the resulting string returns an object which is much more easily converted into a data frame via as.data.frame.


YAML: http://yaml.org YAML omap type: http://yaml.org/type/omap.html

See Also
