zipfR (version 0.6-70)

lnre.details: Technical Details of LNRE Model Objects (zipfR)


This manpage describes technical details of LNRE models and parameter estimation. It is intended developers who want to implement new LNRE models, improve the parameter estimation algorithms, or work directly with the internals of lnre objects. All information required for standard applications of LNRE models can be found on the lnre manpage.



A LNRE model with estimated (or manually specified) parameter values is represented by an object belonging to a suitable subclass of lnre. The specific class depends on the type of LNRE model, as specified in the type argument to the lnre constructor function (e.g. lnre.fzm for a fZM model selected with type="fzm").

All subtypes of lnre object share the same data format, viz. a list with the following components:


a character string specifying the class of LNRE model, e.g. "fzm" for a finite Zipf-Mandelbrot model


a character string specifying a human-readable name for the LNRE model, e.g. "finite Zipf-Mandelbrot"


list of named model parameters, e.g. (alpha=.8, B=.01) for a ZM model


a list of "secondary" parameters, i.e. constants that can be determined from the model parameters but are frequently used in the formulae for expected values, variances, etc.; e.g. (C=.5) for the ZM model above


population size, i.e. number of types in the population described by the LNRE model (may be Inf, e.g. for a ZM model)


whether approximations are allowed when calculating expectations and variances (FALSE) or not (TRUE)


whether to use equations for multionmial sampling (TRUE) or independent Poisson sampling (FALSE)


an object of class spc, the observed frequency spectrum from which the model parameters have been estimated (only if the LNRE model is based on empirical data)


an object of class lnre.gof with goodness-of-fit information for the estimated LNRE model (only if based on empirical data, i.e. if the spc component is also present)


a set of utility functions, given as a list with the following components:


function with signature (self, param, transformed=FALSE), which updates the parameters of the LNRE model self with the values in param, checks that their values are in the allowed range, and re-calculates "secondary" parameters and lexicon size if necessary. If transformed=TRUE, the specified parameters are translated back to normal scale before the update (see below). Of course, self should be the object from which the utility function was called. update returns a modified version of the object self.


function with signature (param, inverse=FALSE), which transform model parameters (given as a list in the argument param) to an unbounded range centered at 0, and back (with option inverse=TRUE). The transformed model parameters are used for parameter estimation, so that unconstrained minimization algorithms can be applied. The link function for the transformation depends on the LNRE model and the "distribution" of each parameter. A felicitous choice can be crucial for robust and quick parameter estimation, especially with Newton-like gradient algorithms. Note that setting all transformed parameters to 0 should provide a reasonable starting point for the parameter estimation.


partial print method for this subclass of LNRE model, which displays the name of the model, its parameters, and optionally some additional information (invoked internally by print.lnre and summary.lnre)


returns a string with a short description of the LNRE model, including its subclass and approximate values for its parameters (e.g. for use in legend text).

Implementing LNRE Models

In order to implement a new class of LNRE models, the following steps are necessary (illustrated on the example of a lognormal type density function, introducing the new LNRE class lnre.lognormal):

  • Provide a constructor function for LNRE models of this type (here, lnre.lognormal), which must accept the parameters of the LNRE model as named arguments with reasonable default values (or alternatively as a list passed in the param argument). The constructor must return a partially initialized object of an appropriate subclass of lnre (lnre.lognormal in our example), and make sure that this object also inherits from the lnre class.

  • Provide the update, transform, print and label utility functions for the LNRE model, which must be returned in the util field of the LNRE model object (see "Value" above).

  • Add the new type of LNRE model to the type argument of the generic lnre constructor, and insert the new constructor function (lnre.lognormal) in the switch call in the body of lnre.

  • As a minimum requirement, implementations of the EV and EVm methods must be provided for the new LNRE model (in our example, they will be named EV.lnre.lognormal and EVm.lnre.lognormal).

  • If possible, provide equations for the type density, probability density, type distribution, distribution function and posterior distribution of the new LNRE model, as implementations of the tdlnre, dlnre, tplnre/tqlnre, plnre/qlnre and postplnre/postqlnre methods for the new LNRE model class. If all these functions are defined, log-scaled densities and random number generation are automatically handled by generic implementations.

  • Optionally, provide a custom function for parameter estimation of the new LNRE model, as an implementation of the estimate.model method (here, estimate.model.lnre.lognormal). Custom parameter estimation can considerably improve convergence and goodness-of-fit if it is possible to obtain direct estimates for one or more of the parameters, e.g. from the condition \(E[V] = V\). However, the default Nelder-Mead algorithm is robust and produces satisfactory results, as long as the LNRE model defines an appropriate parameter transformation mapping. It is thus often more profitable to optimize the transform utility than to spend a lot of time implementing a complicated parameter estimation function.

The best way to get started is to take a look at one of the existing implementations of LNRE models. The GIGP model represents a "minimum" implementation (without custom parameter estimation and distribution functions), whereas ZM and fZM provide good examples of custom parameter estimation functions.


Most operations on LNRE models (in particular, computation of expected values and variances, distribution function and type distribution, random sampling, etc.) are realized as S3 methods, so they are automatically dispatched to appropriate implementations for the various types of LNRE models (e.g.,, EV.lnre.fzm and EV.lnre.gigp for the EV method). For some methods (e.g. estimated variances VV and VVm), a single generic implementation can be used for all model types, provided through the base class (VV.lnre and VVm.lnre for variances).

If you want to implement new LNRE models, have a look at "Implementing LNRE Models" below.

Important note: LNRE model parameters can be passed as named arguments to the lnre constructor function when they are not estimated automatically from an observed frequency spectrum. For this reason, parameter names must be carefully chosen so that they do not clash with other arguments of the lnre function. Note that because of R's argument matching rules, any parameter name that is a prefix of a standard argument name will lead to such a clash. In particular, single-letter parameters (such as \(b\) and \(c\) for the GIGP model) should always be written in uppercase (B and C in lnre.gigp).

See Also

User-level information about LNRE models and parameter estimation can be found on the lnre manpage.

Descriptions of the different LNRE models implemented in zipfR and their parameters are given on separate manpages, lnre.fzm and lnre.gigp. These descriptions are intended for interested end users, but are not required for standard applications of the models.

The estimate.model manpage explains details of the parameter estimation procedure (intended for developers).

See for a description of the goodness-of-fit test performed after parameter estimation of an LNRE model. This function can also be used to evaluate the predictions of the model on a different data set.