zoo (version 1.5-2)

read.zoo: Reading and Writing zoo Series


read.zoo and write.zoo are convenience functions for reading and writing "zoo" series from/to text files. They are convenience interfaces to read.table and write.table, respectively.


read.zoo(file, format = "", tz = "", FUN = NULL,
  regular = FALSE, index.column = 1, aggregate = FALSE, ...)
write.zoo(x, file = "", index.name = "Index", row.names = FALSE, col.names = NULL, ...)


character giving the name of the file which the data are to be read from/written to. See read.table and write.table for more information.
date format argument passed to as.Date.character.
time zone argument passed to as.POSIXct.
a function for computing the index from the first column of the data. See details.
logical. Should the series be coerced to class "zooreg" (if the series is regular)?
integer. The column of the data frame in which the index/time is stored.
a "zoo" object.
character with name of the index column in the written data file.
logical. Should row names be written? Default is FALSE because the row names are just character representations of the index.
logical. Should column names be written? Default is to write column names only if x has column names.
logical or function. If set to TRUE, then aggregate.zoo is applied to the zoo object created to compute the mean of all values with t
further arguments passed to read.table or write.table, respectively.


  • read.zoo returns an object of class "zoo" (or "zooreg").


read.zoo is a convenience function which should make it easier to read data from a text file and turn it into a "zoo" series immediately. read.zoo reads the data file via read.table(file, ...). The column index.column (by default the first) of the resulting data is interpreted to be the index/time, the remaining columns the corresponding data. (If the file only has only column then that is assumed to be the data column and 1, 2, ... are used for the index.) To assign the appropriate class to the index, FUN can be specified and is applied to the first column.

To process the index, read.zoo uses the first of the following that is true: 1. If FUN is specified then read.zoo calls FUN with the index as the first argument. 2. If tz is specified then the index column is converted to POSIXct. 3. If format is specified then the index column is converted to Date. 4. A heuristic attempts to decide among "numeric", "Date" and "POSIXct". If format and/or tz is specified then it is passed to the conversion function as well.

If regular is set to TRUE and the resulting series has an underlying regularity, it is coerced to a "zooreg" series.

write.zoo is a convenience function for writing "zoo" series to text files. It first coerces its argument to a "data.frame", adds a column with the index and then calls write.table.

See Also



Run this code
## turn *numeric* first column into yearmon index
## where number is year + fraction of year represented by month
z <- read.zoo("foo.csv", sep = ",", FUN = as.yearmon)

## first column is of form yyyy.mm
## (Here we use format in place of as.character so that final zero 
## is not dropped in dates like 2001.10 which as.character would do.)
f <- function(x) as.yearmon(format(x, nsmall = 2), "%Y.%m")
z <- read.zoo("foo.csv", header = TRUE, FUN = f)

## turn *character* first column into "Date" index
z <- read.zoo("foo.tab", format = "%m/%d/%Y")

## csv file with first column of form YYYY-mm-dd HH:MM:SS
## Read in times as "chron" class. Requires chron 2.3-22 or later.
z <- read.zoo("foo.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",", FUN = as.chron)

## same file format but read it in times as "POSIXct" class.
z <- read.zoo("foo.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",", tz = "")

## csv file with first column mm-dd-yyyy. Read times as "Date" class.
z <- read.zoo("foo.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",", format = "%m-%d-%Y")

## whitespace separated file with first column of form YYYY-mm-ddTHH:MM:SS
## and no headers.  T appears literally.  Requires chron 2.3-22 or later.
z <- read.zoo("foo.csv", FUN = as.chron)

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