limma (version 3.28.14)

10.GeneSetTests: Topic: Gene Set Tests


This page gives an overview of the LIMMA functions for gene set testing and pathway analysis.

Self-contained gene set testing for one set.

Self-contained gene set testing for many sets.

Fast approximation to mroast, especially useful when heteroscedasticity of genes can be ignored.

Competitive gene set testing.

romer and topRomer
Gene set enrichment analysis.

Convert gene sets consisting of vectors of gene identifiers into a list of indices suitable for use in the above functions.

alias2Symbol and alias2SymbolTable
Convert gene symbols or aliases to current official symbols.

geneSetTest or wilcoxGST
Simple gene set testing based on gene or probe permutation.

Enrichment plot of a gene set.

goana and topGO
Gene ontology over-representation analysis of gene lists using Entrez Gene IDs. goana can work directly on a fitted model object or on one or more lists of genes.

kegga and topKEGG
KEGG pathway over-representation analysis of gene lists using Entrez Gene IDs. kegga can work directly on a fitted model object or on one or more lists of genes.


See Also

01.Introduction, 02.Classes, 03.ReadingData, 04.Background, 05.Normalization, 06.LinearModels, 07.SingleChannel, 08.Tests, 09.Diagnostics, 10.GeneSetTests, 11.RNAseq