RGtk2 (version 2.20.31)

cairo-matrix: cairo_matrix_t


Generic matrix operations


Methods and Functions

cairoMatrixInit(xx, yx, xy, yy, x0, y0) cairoMatrixInitIdentity() cairoMatrixInitTranslate(tx, ty) cairoMatrixInitScale(sx, sy) cairoMatrixInitRotate(radians) cairoMatrixTranslate(matrix, tx, ty) cairoMatrixScale(matrix, sx, sy) cairoMatrixRotate(matrix, radians) cairoMatrixInvert(matrix) cairoMatrixMultiply(result, a, b) cairoMatrixTransformDistance(matrix, dx, dy) cairoMatrixTransformPoint(matrix, x, y)

Detailed Description

CairoMatrix is used throughout cairo to convert between different coordinate spaces. A CairoMatrix holds an affine transformation, such as a scale, rotation, shear, or a combination of these. The transformation of a point (x,y) is given by:
    x_new = xx * x + xy * y + x0;
    y_new = yx * x + yy * y + y0; 
The current transformation matrix of a Cairo, represented as a CairoMatrix, defines the transformation from user-space coordinates to device-space coordinates. See cairoGetMatrix and cairoSetMatrix.


