DescTools (version 0.99.13)

Desc.Date: Describe a Date Vector


Description interface for dates. We do here what seems reasonable for describing dates. We start with a short summary about length, number of NAs and extreme values, before we describe the frequencies of the weekdays and months, rounded up by a chi-square test.


## S3 method for class 'Date':
Desc(x, main = NULL, maxrows = 10, digits = NULL, dprobs = NULL, mprobs = NULL,
     plotit = getOption("plotit", FALSE), ...)


the Date vector to be described.
the caption of the output.
numeric. Defines the maximum number of rows to be reported. Default is 10 (most frequent ones). If maxrows < 1 then just as many rows, as the maxrows% most frequent factors are shown. Say if maxrows is set to 0.8 then as many rows are shown, that
integer. With how many digits shoud the relative frequencies be formatted? Default is 1.
a vector with the probabilities for the chisq.test of the days. If this is left to NULL (default) then a uniform distribution will be used.
a vector with the probabilities for the chisq.test of the months. If this is left to NULL (default) then the distribution of days will be used (p = c(31/365, 28/365, 31/365, ...).
boolean. Should a plot be created? The factor is plotted with the factor interface of PlotDesc. Default is FALSE.
further argument to be passed to methods.

See Also

Desc, PlotDesc


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