dynamichazard (version 0.6.1)

PF_EM: EM Estimation with Particle Filters and Smoothers


Method to estimate the hyper parameters with an EM algorithm.


PF_EM(formula, data, model = "logit", by, max_T, id, a_0, Q_0, Q, order = 1,
  control = PF_control(...), trace = 0, seed = NULL, type = "RW",
  fixed = NULL, random = NULL, Fmat, fixed_effects, G, theta, J, K, psi,
  phi, ...)



coxph like formula with Surv(tstart, tstop, event) on the left hand site of ~.


data.frame or environment containing the outcome and covariates.


either 'logit' for binary outcomes or 'exponential' for piecewise constant exponential distributed arrival times.


interval length of the bins in which parameters are fixed.


end of the last interval interval.


vector of ids for each row of the in the design matrix.


vector \(a_0\) for the initial coefficient vector for the first iteration (optional). Default is estimates from static model (see static_glm).


covariance matrix for the prior distribution.


initial covariance matrix for the state equation.


order of the random walk.


argument to get progress information. Zero will yield no info and larger integer values will yield incrementally more information.


seed to set at the start of every EM iteration. See set.seed.


type of state model. Either "RW" for a [R]andom [W]alk or "VAR" for [V]ector [A]uto[R]egression.


two-sided formula to be used with random instead of formula. It is of the form Surv(tstart, tstop, event) ~ x or Surv(tstart, tstop, event) ~ - 1 for no fixed effects.


one-sided formula to be used with fixed instead of formula. It is of the form ~ z.


starting value for \(F\) when type = "VAR". See 'Details' in PF_EM.


starting values for fixed effects if any. See ddFixed.

G, theta, J, K, psi, phi

parameters for a restricted type = "VAR" model. See the vignette mentioned in 'Details' of PF_EM and the examples linked to in 'See Also'.


optional way to pass arguments to control.


An object of class PF_EM.


The function is still under development so the output and API may change.


Estimates a state model of the form

$$\alpha_t = F \alpha_t + R\epsilon_t, \qquad \epsilon_t \sim N(0, Q)$$

where \(F\in{\rm I\!R}^{p\times p}\) has full rank, \(\alpha_t\in {\rm I\!R}^p\), \(\epsilon_t\in {\rm I\!R}^r\), \(r \leq p\), and \(R = (e_{l_1},e_{l_2},\dots,e_{l_r})\) where \(e_k\) is column from the \(p\) dimensional identity matrix and \(l_1<l_2<\dots<l_r\). The time zero state is drawn from

$$\alpha_0\sim N(a_0, Q_0)$$

with \(Q_0 \in {\rm I\!R}^{p\times p}\). The latent states, \(\alpha_t\), are related to the output through the linear predictors

$$\eta_{it} = X_t(R^+\alpha_t) + Z_t\beta$$

where \(X_t\in{\rm I\!R}^{n_t\times r}\) and \(Z_t{\rm I\!R}^{n_t\times c}\) are design matrices and the outcome for a individual \(i\) at time \(t\) is distributed according to an exponential family member given \(\eta_{it}\). \(\beta\) are constant coefficients.

See vignette("Particle_filtering", "dynamichazard") for details.

See Also

PF_forward_filter to get a more precise estimate of the final log-likelihood.

See the examples at https://github.com/boennecd/dynamichazard/tree/master/examples.


Run this code
# Fit model with lung data set from survival
# Warning: long-ish computation time

.lung <- lung[!is.na(lung$ph.ecog), ]
# standardize
.lung$age <- scale(.lung$age)

# fit
pf_fit <- PF_EM(
 Surv(time, status == 2) ~ ddFixed(ph.ecog) + age,
 data = .lung, by = 50, id = 1:nrow(.lung),
 Q_0 = diag(1, 2), Q = diag(.5^2, 2),
 max_T = 800,
 control = PF_control(
    N_fw_n_bw = 500, N_first = 2500, N_smooth = 5000,
    n_max = 50, eps = .001, Q_tilde = diag(.2^2, 2), est_a_0 = FALSE,
    n_threads = max(parallel::detectCores(logical = FALSE), 1)))

# Plot state vector estimates
plot(pf_fit, cov_index = 1)
plot(pf_fit, cov_index = 2)

# Plot log-likelihood
# }
# example with fixed intercept

# prepare data
temp <- subset(pbc, id <= 312, select=c(id, sex, time, status, edema, age))
pbc2 <- tmerge(temp, temp, id=id, death = event(time, status))
pbc2 <- tmerge(pbc2, pbcseq, id=id, albumin = tdc(day, albumin),
              protime = tdc(day, protime), bili = tdc(day, bili))
pbc2 <- pbc2[, c("id", "tstart", "tstop", "death", "sex", "edema",
                "age", "albumin", "protime", "bili")]
pbc2 <- within(pbc2, {
 log_albumin <- log(albumin)
 log_protime <- log(protime)
 log_bili <- log(bili)

# standardize
for(c. in c("age", "log_albumin", "log_protime", "log_bili"))
 pbc2[[c.]] <- drop(scale(pbc2[[c.]]))

# fit model with extended Kalman filter
ddfit <- ddhazard(
 Surv(tstart, tstop, death == 2) ~ ddFixed_intercept() + ddFixed(age) +
   ddFixed(edema) + ddFixed(log_albumin) + ddFixed(log_protime) + log_bili,
 pbc2, Q_0 = 100, Q = 1e-2, by = 100, id = pbc2$id,
 model = "exponential", max_T = 3600,
 control = ddhazard_control(eps = 1e-5, NR_eps = 1e-4, n_max = 1e4))

# fit model with particle filter
pf_fit <- PF_EM(
  Surv(tstart, tstop, death == 2) ~ ddFixed_intercept() + ddFixed(age) +
    ddFixed(edema) + ddFixed(log_albumin) + ddFixed(log_protime) + log_bili,
  pbc2, Q_0 = 2^2, Q = ddfit$Q * 100, # use estimate from before
  by = 100, id = pbc2$id,
  model = "exponential", max_T = 3600,
  control = PF_control(
    N_fw_n_bw = 500, N_smooth = 2500, N_first = 1000, eps = 1e-3,
    method = "AUX_normal_approx_w_cloud_mean", est_a_0 = FALSE,
    Q_tilde = as.matrix(.1^2),
    n_max = 25, # just take a few iterations as an example
    n_threads = max(parallel::detectCores(logical = FALSE), 1)))

# compare results
sqrt(ddfit$Q * 100)
rbind(ddfit$fixed_effects, pf_fit$fixed_effects)
# }
# simulation example with `random` and `fixed` argument and a restricted
# model

# g groups with k individuals in each
g <- 3L
k <- 400L

# matrices for state equation
p <- g + 1L
G <- matrix(0., p^2, 2L)
for(i in 1:p)
  G[i + (i - 1L) * p, 1L + (i == p)] <- 1L

theta <- c(.9, .8)
# coefficients in transition density
(F. <- matrix(as.vector(G %*% theta), 4L, 4L))

J <- matrix(0., ncol = 2L, nrow = p)
J[-p, 1L] <- J[p, 2L] <- 1
psi <- c(log(c(.3, .1)))

K <- matrix(0., p * (p - 1L) / 2L, 2L)
j <- 0L
for(i in (p - 1L):1L){
  j <- j + i
  K[j, 2L] <- 1
K[K[, 2L] < 1, 1L] <- 1
phi <- log(-(c(.8, .3) + 1) / (c(.8, .3) - 1))

V <- diag(exp(drop(J %*% psi)))
C <- diag(1, ncol(V))
C[lower.tri(C)] <- 2/(1 + exp(-drop(K %*% phi))) - 1
C[upper.tri(C)] <- t(C)[upper.tri(C)]
(Q <- V %*% C %*% V)     # covariance matrix in transition density

Q_0 <- get_Q_0(Q, F.)    # time-invariant covariance matrix
beta <- c(rep(-6, g), 0) # all groups have the same long run mean intercept

# simulate state variables
n_periods <- 300L
alphas <- matrix(nrow = n_periods + 1L, ncol = p)
alphas[1L, ] <- rnorm(p) %*% chol(Q_0)
for(i in 1:n_periods + 1L)
  alphas[i, ] <- F. %*% alphas[i - 1L, ] + drop(rnorm(p) %*% chol(Q))

alphas <- t(t(alphas) + beta)

# plot state variables
matplot(alphas, type = "l", lty = 1)

# simulate individuals' outcome
n_obs <- g * k
df <- lapply(1:n_obs, function(i){
  # find the group
  grp <- (i - 1L) %/% (n_obs / g) + 1L

  # left-censoring
  tstart <- max(0L, sample.int((n_periods - 1L) * 2L, 1) - n_periods + 1L)

  # covariates
  x <- c(1, rnorm(1))

  # outcome (stop time and event indicator)
  osa <- NULL
  oso <- NULL
  osx <- NULL
  y <- FALSE
  for(tstop in (tstart + 1L):n_periods){
    sigmoid <- 1 / (1 + exp(- drop(x %*% alphas[tstop + 1L, c(grp, p)])))
    if(sigmoid > runif(1)){
      y <- TRUE
    if(.01 > runif(1L) && tstop < n_periods){
      # sample new covariate
      osa <- c(osa, tstart)
      tstart <- tstop
      oso <- c(oso, tstop)
      osx <- c(osx, x[2])
      x[2] <- rnorm(1)

    tstart = c(osa, tstart), tstop = c(oso, tstop),
    x = c(osx, x[2]), y = c(rep(FALSE, length(osa)), y), grp = grp,
    id = i)
df <- data.frame(do.call(rbind, df))
df$grp <- factor(df$grp)

# fit model. Start with "cheap" iterations
fit <- PF_EM(
  fixed = Surv(tstart, tstop, y) ~ x, random = ~ grp + x - 1,
  data = df, model = "logit", by = 1L, max_T = max(df$tstop),
  Q_0 = diag(1.5^2, p), id = df$id, type = "VAR",
  G = G, theta = c(.5, .5), J = J, psi = log(c(.1, .1)),
  K = K, phi = log(-(c(.4, 0) + 1) / (c(.4, 0) - 1)),
  control = PF_control(
    N_fw_n_bw = 100L, N_smooth = 100L, N_first = 500L,
    method = "AUX_normal_approx_w_cloud_mean",
    nu = 5L, # sample from multivariate t-distribution
    n_max = 50L,  # should maybe be larger
    smoother = "Fearnhead_O_N", eps = 1e-4,
    n_threads = 4L # depends on your cpu(s)
  trace = 1L)
plot(fit$log_likes) # log-likelihood approximation at each iterations

# take more iterations with more particles
cl <- fit$call
ctrl <- cl[["control"]]
ctrl[c("N_fw_n_bw", "N_smooth", "N_smooth_final", "N_first", "n_max")] <- list(
  500L, 2000L, 500L, 5000L, 30L)
cl[["control"]] <- ctrl
cl[c("phi", "psi", "theta")] <- list(fit$phi, fit$psi, fit$theta)
fit_extra <- eval(cl)

plot(fit_extra$log_likes) # log-likelihood approximation at each iteration

# check estimates

# plot predicted state variables
for(i in 1:p){
  plot(fit_extra, cov_index = i)
  abline(h = 0, lty = 2)
  lines(1:nrow(alphas) - 1, alphas[, i] - beta[i], lty = 3)
# }

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