RSQLite (version 0.3-0)

SQLite: Instantiate the SQLite engine from the current R/S-Plus session.


This function creates and initializes the SQLite engine. It returns an object that allows you to connect to the SQLite embedded engine.


SQLite(max.con = 16, fetch.default.rec = 500, force.reload = F)


maximum number of connections that we intended to have open. This can be up to 100, a limit defined at compilation time. Note that since the SQLite engine is embedded (i.e., a set of C functions whithin the R/S-Plus process) connections consume ver
number of records to fetch at one time from the database. (The fetch method uses this number as a default.)
should we reload (reinitialize) the package code? Setting this to TRUE allows you to change default settings. Notice that all connections should be closed before re-loading.


  • An object SQLiteDriver that extends dbDriver and dbObjectId. This object is required to create connections to the embedded SQLite database. There can be many SQLite database instances running simultaneously.

Side Effects

The R/S-Plus client part of the database communication is initialized, but note that connecting to database instances needs to be done through calls to dbConnect.

User authentication

SQLite is a single-user database engine, so it has no concept of user.


See the Omega Project for Statistical Computing at for more details on the R/S-Plus database interface.

See the Adobe PDF file DBI.pdf under the doc subdirectory of this package, i.e., .path.package("RSQLite")/doc/DBI.pdf.

See the documentation at the SQLite Web site http://www.hwaci/com/sw/sqlite/index.html for details.


This object is a singleton, that is, on subsequent invocations it returns the same initialized object.

This implementation allows the R/S-Plus embedded SQLite engine to work with multiple database instances through multiple connections simultaneously.

SQLite keeps each database instance in one single file. The name of the database is the file name, thus database names should be legal file names in the running platform.

See Also

On database drivers:

dbDriver SQLite dbUnloadDriver dbListConnections

On connections, SQL statements and resultSets:

dbConnect dbDisconnect dbSendQuery dbGetQuery fetch dbListResults

On transaction management:

dbCommit dbRollback

On meta-data:

summary dbGetInfo dbListTables dbListFields dbColumnsInfo dbGetException dbGetStatement dbHasCompleted dbGetRowCount dbGetAffectedRows


Run this code
# create a SQLite instance and create one connection.
   m <- dbDriver("SQLite")
   # initialize a new database "base.dbms" in the current directory
   # and copy some data.frame from the base package into it
   con <- dbConnect(m, dbname = "base.dbms")
   assignTable(con, "USArrests", USArrests, overwrite = T)
   # query
   rs <- dbSendQuery(con, "select * from USArrests")
   d1 <- fetch(rs, n = 10)      # extract data in chunks of 10 rows
   d2 <- fetch(rs, n = -1)      # extract all remaining data

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