TypeInfo (version 1.38.0)

TypedSignature: Constructor for a TypedSignature object


This is a constructor function for the TypedSignature-class that represents constraints on the types or values of a combination of parameters. It takes named arguments that identify the types of the parameters. Each parameter type should be an object that is “compatible with” ClassNameOrExpression-class, i.e. a test for inheritance or a dynamic expression.


TypedSignature(..., returnType, obj = new("TypedSignature", list(...)))


the types for the parameters given as name = type to identify the parameter and its type description.
the type description for the return value. This applies to the particular combination of inputs given in ...
the instance to populate with the information given in the other arguments. This allows us to pass in objects of sub-classes to this function or to populate previously created objects.


The populated value of obj, by default an object of class TypedSignature-class.

See Also

SimultaneousTypeSpecification typeInfo checkArgs


Run this code
 TypedSignature(x = "logical", y = quote(length(y) == length(x)))

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