spdep (version 0.6-9)

aple.plot: Approximate profile-likelihood estimator (APLE) scatterplot


A scatterplot decomposition of the approximate profile-likelihood estimator, and a local APLE based on the list of vectors returned by the scatterplot function.


aple.plot(x, listw, override_similarity_check=FALSE, useTrace=TRUE, do.plot=TRUE, ...) localAple(x, listw, override_similarity_check=FALSE, useTrace=TRUE)


a zero-mean detrended continuous variable
a listw object from for example nb2listw
default FALSE, if TRUE - typically for row-standardised weights with asymmetric underlying general weights - similarity is not checked
default TRUE, use trace of sparse matrix W %*% W (Li et al. (2010)), if FALSE, use crossproduct of eigenvalues of W as in Li et al. (2007)
default TRUE: should a scatterplot be drawn
other arguments to be passed to plot


aple.plot returns list with components:localAple returns a vector of local APLE values.


The function solves a secondary eigenproblem of size n internally, so constructing the values for the scatterplot is quite compute and memory intensive, and is not suitable for very large n.


Li, H, Calder, C. A. and Cressie N. A. C. (2007) Beyond Moran's I: testing for spatial dependence based on the spatial autoregressive model. Geographical Analysis 39, pp. 357-375; Li, H, Calder, C. A. and Cressie N. A. C. (2012) One-step estimation of spatial dependence parameters: Properties and extensions of the APLE statistic, Journal of Multivariate Analysis 105, 68-84.

See Also



Run this code
## Not run: 
# example(aple)
# plt_out <- aple.plot(as.vector(scale(wheat$yield_detrend, scale=FALSE)),
#  nb2listw(nbr12, style="W"), cex=0.6)
# crossprod(plt_out$Y, plt_out$X)/crossprod(plt_out$X)
# lm_obj <- lm(Y ~ X, plt_out)
# abline(lm_obj)
# abline(v=0, h=0, lty=2)
# zz <- summary(influence.measures(lm_obj))
# infl <- as.integer(rownames(zz))
# points(plt_out$X[infl], plt_out$Y[infl], pch=3, cex=0.6, col="red")
# wheat$localAple <- localAple(as.vector(scale(wheat$yield_detrend, scale=FALSE)),
#  nb2listw(nbr12, style="W"))
# mean(wheat$localAple)
# hist(wheat$localAple)
# spl <- list("sp.text", coordinates(wheat)[infl,], rep("*", length(infl)))
# spplot(wheat, "localAple", sp.layout=spl)
# ## End(Not run)

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