drake (version 6.2.1)

cached: Enumerate cached targets or check if a target is cached.


Read/load a cached item with readd() or loadd().


cached(..., list = character(0), no_imported_objects = FALSE,
  path = getwd(), search = TRUE, cache = NULL,
  verbose = drake::default_verbose(), namespace = NULL, jobs = 1)



objects to load from the cache, as names (unquoted) or character strings (quoted). Similar to ... in remove().


character vector naming objects to be loaded from the cache. Similar to the list argument of remove().


logical, applies only when no targets are specified and a list of cached targets is returned. If no_imported_objects is TRUE, then cached() shows built targets (with commands) plus imported files, ignoring imported objects. Otherwise, the full collection of all cached objects will be listed. Since all your functions and all their global variables are imported, the full list of imported objects could get really cumbersome.


Root directory of the drake project, or if search is TRUE, either the project root or a subdirectory of the project. Ignored if a cache is supplied.


logical. If TRUE, search parent directories to find the nearest drake cache. Otherwise, look in the current working directory only. Ignored if a cache is supplied.


drake cache. See new_cache(). If supplied, path and search are ignored.


logical or numeric, control printing to the console. Use pkgconfig to set the default value of verbose for your R session: for example, pkgconfig::set_config("drake::verbose" = 2).

  • 0 or FALSE: print nothing.

  • 1 or TRUE: print only targets to build.

  • 2: also print checks and cache info.

  • 3: also print any potentially missing items.

  • 4: also print imports and writes to the cache.


character scalar, name of the storr namespace to use for listing objects


number of jobs/workers for parallel processing


Either a named logical indicating whether the given targets or cached or a character vector listing all cached items, depending on whether any targets are specified.

See Also

built(), imported(), readd(), loadd(), drake_plan(), make()


Run this code
test_with_dir("Quarantine side effects.", {
load_mtcars_example() # Load drake's canonical example.
make(my_plan) # Run the project, build all the targets.
cached(list = 'reg1') # Is 'reg1' in the cache?
# List all the targets and imported files in the cache.
# Exclude R objects imported from your workspace.
cached(no_imported_objects = TRUE)
# List all targets and imports in the cache.
# Clean the main data.
# The targets and imports are gone.
# But there is still metadata.
cached(namespace = "build_times")
# Clear that too.
clean(purge = TRUE)
cached(namespace = "build_times")
# }

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