nseval (version 0.4.3)

dots: Dots objects: lists of quotations.


d <- dots(a = one, b = two) captures each of its arguments, unevaluated, in a dots object (a named list of quotations).

as.data.frame.dots transforms the contents of a dots object into a data frame with one row per quotation, with columns:

  • name: a character,

  • expr: an expression,

  • env: an environment object or NULL if forced,

  • value: NULL or a value if forced.

forced_dots(...) forces its arguments and constructs a dots object with forced quotations.

forced_dots_(values) creates a dots object from a list of values



dots_(exprs, envs)


# S3 method for dots exprs(d)

exprs(d) <- value

# S3 method for dots exprs(d) <- value


# S3 method for dots envs(d)

envs(d) <- value

# S3 method for dots [(x, ..., drop = FALSE)

# S3 method for dots [(x, ...) <- value

# S3 method for dots c(...)

# S3 method for quotation c(...)

# S3 method for dots as.data.frame(x, row.names = NULL, ...)




dots(...) constructs a list with class 'dots', each element of which is a quotation.

dots_(exprs, envs) constructs a dots object given lists of expressions and environments. (To construct a dots object from quotation objects, use c().)

exprs(d) extracts a list of expressions from a dots object.

The mutator exprs(d) <- value returns a new dots object with the new expressions.

envs(d) extracts a list of environments from a dots object.

envs(d) returns a named list of environments.

envs(d) <- value returns an updated dots object with the environments replaced with the new value(s).

as.data.frame.dots returns a data frame.



Any number of arguments.


An expression or list of expressions.


An environment or list of environments.


A dots object.


A replacement value or list of values.


A dots object.


See Extract.


If not given, uses make.unique(x$name)


A list; each element will be used as data.


Objects of class "dots" mirror R's special variable .... Unlike ..., a dots is:

  • immutable (evaluating does not change it),

  • first-class (you can give it any name, not just ...),

  • data (The R interpreter treates it as literal data rather than triggering argument splicing).

d <- dots(...) is used to capture the contents of ... without triggering evaluation. This improves on as.list(substitute(...())) by capturing the environment of each argument along with their expressions. (You can also use get_dots().)


Run this code

named.list <- function(...) {
 # Collect only named arguments, ignoring unnamed arguments.
 d <- dots(...)
 do(list, d[names(d) != ""])

named.list(a=1, b=2*2, stop("this is not evaluated"))

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab