flowCore (version 1.38.2)

filterSet-class: Class filterSet(deprecated)


A container for a collection of related filters.


Objects from the Class

There are several ways to create a filterSet object. There is the filterSet constructor, which creates an empty filterSet object (see the details section for more information). filterSet objects can also be coerced to and from list objects using the as function.


The environment that actually holds the filters
A more descriptive name of the set.


An unsorted list of the names of the filters contained within the set.
Returns a topological sort of the names of the filters contained within the set. Primarily used by internal functions (such as filter), this method is also useful for planning gating strategy layouts and the like.
Retrieves references to a filter inside a filterSet
Returns the filter reference used inside the filter. See Details.
Retrieves the actual filters from a filterSet. Note that composed filters can still contain references.
Put a filter into a filterSet. As a convenience, assigning to the ``""'' or NULL name will use the filter's name for assignment. Composed filters can be added easily using formulas rather than attempting to construct filters the long way. The formula interface is also lazy, allowing you to add filters in any order.


filterSet objects are intended to provide a convenient grouping mechanism for a particular gating strategy. To accomplish this, much like the flowSet object, the filterSet object introduces reference semantics through the use of an environment, allowing users to change an upstream filter via the usual assignment mechanism and have that change reflected in all dependent filters. We do this by actually creating two filters for each filter in the filterSet. The first is the actual concrete filter, which is assigned to a variable of the form .name where name is the original filter name. A second filterReference filter is the created with the original name to point to the internal name. The allows us to evaluate a formula in the environment without creating a copy of the original filter.

See Also
