exprso (version 0.5.1)

fsInclude: Select Features by Explicit Reference


fsInclude selects features passed to the include argument. Ranks features by the provided order.


fsInclude(object, top = 0, keep = 0, include)



An ExprsArray object to undergo feature selection.


A numeric scalar or character vector. A numeric scalar indicates the number of top features that should undergo feature selection. A character vector indicates specifically which features by name should undergo feature selection. Set top = 0 to include all features. A numeric vector can also be used to indicate specific features by location, similar to a character vector.


A numeric scalar. Specifies the number of top features that should get returned by the feature selection method. Use of keep is generally not recommended, but can speed up analyses of large data.


A character vector. The names of features to rank above all others. This preserves the feature order otherwise. Argument for fsInclude only.


Returns an ExprsArray object.