incidence (version 1.7.0)

plot.incidence: Plot function for incidence objects


This function is used to visualise the output of the incidence() function using the package ggplot2. #'


# S3 method for incidence
plot(x, ..., fit = NULL, stack = is.null(fit),
  color = "black", border = NA, col_pal = incidence_pal1,
  alpha = 0.7, xlab = "", ylab = NULL,
  labels_week = !is.null(x$weeks), labels_iso = !is.null(x$isoweeks),
  show_cases = FALSE, n_breaks = 6)

add_incidence_fit(p, x, col_pal = incidence_pal1)

# S3 method for incidence_fit plot(x, ...)

# S3 method for incidence_fit_list plot(x, ...)

scale_x_incidence(x, n_breaks = 6, labels_week = TRUE, ...)

make_breaks(x, n_breaks = 6L, labels_week = TRUE)



An incidence object, generated by the function incidence().


arguments passed to ggplot2::scale_x_date(), ggplot2::scale_x_datetime(), or ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(), depending on how the $date element is stored in the incidence object.


An 'incidence_fit' object as returned by fit().


A logical indicating if bars of multiple groups should be stacked, or displayed side-by-side.


The color to be used for the filling of the bars; NA for invisible bars; defaults to "black".


The color to be used for the borders of the bars; NA for invisible borders; defaults to NA.


The color palette to be used for the groups; defaults to incidence_pal1. See incidence_pal1() for other palettes implemented in incidence.


The alpha level for color transparency, with 1 being fully opaque and 0 fully transparent; defaults to 0.7.


The label to be used for the x-axis; empty by default.


The label to be used for the y-axis; by default, a label will be generated automatically according to the time interval used in incidence computation.


a logical value indicating whether labels x axis tick marks are in week format YYYY-Www when plotting weekly incidence; defaults to TRUE.


(deprecated) This has been superceded by labels_iso. Previously:a logical value indicating whether labels x axis tick marks are in ISO 8601 week format yyyy-Www when plotting ISO week-based weekly incidence; defaults to be TRUE.


if TRUE (default: FALSE), then each observation will be colored by a border. The border defaults to a white border unless specified otherwise. This is normally used outbreaks with a small number of cases. Note: this can only be used if stack = TRUE


the ideal number of breaks to be used for the x-axis labeling


An existing incidence plot.


  • plot() a ggplot2::ggplot() object.

  • make_breaks() a two-element list. The "breaks" element will contain the evenly-spaced breaks as either dates or numbers and the "labels" element will contain either a vector of weeks OR a ggplot2::waiver() object.

  • scale_x_incidence() a ggplot2 "ScaleContinuous" object.


  • plot() will visualise an incidence object using ggplot2

  • make_breaks() calculates breaks from an incidence object that always align with the bins and start on the first observed incidence.

  • scale_x_incidence() produces and appropriate ggplot2 scale based on an incidence object.

See Also

The incidence() function to generate the 'incidence' objects.


Run this code
if(require(outbreaks) && require(ggplot2)) { withAutoprint({
  onset <- outbreaks::ebola_sim$linelist$date_of_onset

  ## daily incidence
  inc <- incidence(onset)

  ## weekly incidence
  inc.week <- incidence(onset, interval = 7)
  plot(inc.week) # default to label x axis tick marks with isoweeks
  plot(inc.week, labels_week = FALSE) # label x axis tick marks with dates
  plot(inc.week, border = "white") # with visible border

  ## use group information
  sex <- outbreaks::ebola_sim$linelist$gender
  inc.week.gender <- incidence(onset, interval = "1 epiweek", groups = sex)
  plot(inc.week.gender, labels_week = FALSE)

  ## show individual cases at the beginning of the epidemic
  inc.week.8 <- subset(inc.week.gender, to = "2014-06-01")
  p <- plot(inc.week.8, show_cases = TRUE, border = "black")

  ## update the range of the scale
  lim <- c(min(get_dates(inc.week.8)) - 7*5, 
           aweek::week2date("2014-W50", "Sunday"))
  p + scale_x_incidence(inc.week.gender, limits = lim)

  ## customize plot with ggplot2
  plot(inc.week.8, show_cases = TRUE, border = "black") +
    theme_classic(base_size = 16) +
    theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90, hjust = 1, vjust = 0.5)) 

  ## adding fit
  fit <- fit_optim_split(inc.week.gender)$fit
  plot(inc.week.gender, fit = fit)
  plot(inc.week.gender, fit = fit, labels_week = FALSE)


# }

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