tcltk2 (version 1.2-11)

tk2commands: Tk commands associated with the tk2XXX widgets


These commands supplement those available in the tcltk package to ease manipulation of tk2XXX widgets.


tk2column(widget, action = c("add", "configure", "delete", "names", "cget", "nearest"), ...) tk2insert.multi(widget, where = "end", items) tk2list.delete(widget, first, last = first) tk2list.get(widget, first = 0, last = "end") tk2list.insert(widget, index = "end", ...) tk2list.set(widget, items) tk2list.size(widget) tk2notetraverse(nb) tk2notetab(nb, tab), tab) tk2notetab.text(nb) tk2state.set(widget, state = c("normal", "disabled", "readonly")) is.ttk() tk2theme.elements() tk2theme.list() tk2theme(theme = NULL) tk2style(class, style, state = c("default", "active", "disabled", "focus", "!focus", "pressed", "selected", "background", "readonly", "alternate", "invalid", "hover", "all"), default = NULL) tk2dataList(x) tk2configList(x)


the widget to which these actions apply.
which kind of action?
where are these item added in the list (by default, at the end).
the items to add (either a vector for a single line, or a matrix for more items).
further arguments to the action.
the 0-based first index to consider in the list.
the 0-based last index to consider in the list, or "end" for using the last element of the list.
the 0-based index where to insert items in the list.
a tk2notebook or ttk2notebook widget (\"tclObj\" object).
the name (text) of a tab in a notebook.
the new state of the widget, or the state to inquiry.
a theme to use (character string).
the class of the tk2widget (either the Tk class, like TButton, or the name of the function that creates it, like tk2button)
a character string with the name of the style to retrieve
the default value to return in case this style is not found
either a tk2widget object, or a character string with its class name.


tk2column() manipulate columns of a tk2mclistbox widget, tk2insert.multi() is used to insert multiple field entries in a tk2mclistbox widget, determines if the tk package is loaded (on some platforms it is possible to load the tcltk package without tk, for instance, in batch mode). is.ttk() determines if 'ttk' widgets (styled widgets) used by the tk2XXX() functions are available (you need Tk >= 8.5).

See Also

tk2widgets, tk2tip


Run this code
## Not run: 
# ## These cannot be run by examples() but should be OK when pasted
# ## into an interactive R session with the tcltk package loaded
# tt <- tktoplevel()
# # A label with a image and some text
# file <- system.file("gui", "SciViews.gif", package = "tcltk2")
# # Make this a tk2image function...
# Image <- tclVar()
# tkimage.create("photo", Image, file = file)
# tlabel <- tk2label(tt, image = Image,
# 	text = "A label with an image")
# tkpack(tlabel)
# config(tlabel, compound = "left")
# tlabel2 <- tk2label(tt, text = "A disabled label")
# tkpack(tlabel2)
# disabled(tlabel2) <- TRUE
# fruits <- c("Apple", "Orange", "Banana")
# tcombo <- tk2combobox(tt, values = fruits)
# tkpack(tcombo)
# tkinsert(tcombo, 0, "Apple")
# ## Buttons
# tbut <- tk2button(tt, text = "Enabled")
# tbut2 <- tk2button(tt, text = "Disabled")
# tkpack(tbut, tbut2)
# tkconfigure(tbut2, state = "disabled")
# tcheck <- tk2checkbutton(tt, text = "Some checkbox")
# tcheck2 <- tk2checkbutton(tt, text = "Disabled checkbox")
# tkconfigure(tcheck2, state = "disabled")
# tcheck3 <- tk2checkbutton(tt, text = "Disabled and selected")
# tkpack(tcheck, tcheck2, tcheck3)
# cbValue <- tclVar("1")
# tkconfigure(tcheck3, variable=cbValue)
# tkconfigure(tcheck3, state = "disabled")
# tradio <- tk2radiobutton(tt, text = "Some radiobutton")
# tradio2 <- tk2radiobutton(tt, text = "Disabled and checked")
# tkpack(tradio, tradio2)
# tkconfigure(tradio2, state = "checked")
# tkconfigure(tradio2, state = "disabled")
# ## Menu allowing to change ttk theme
# topMenu <- tkmenu(tt)           # Create a menu
# tkconfigure(tt, menu = topMenu) # Add it to the 'tt' window
# themes <- tk2theme.list()
# themeMenu <- tkmenu(topMenu, tearoff = FALSE)
# if ("alt" %in% themes) tkadd(themeMenu, "command", label = "alt",
#     command = function() tk2theme("alt"))
# if ("aqua" %in% themes) tkadd(themeMenu, "command", label = "aqua",
#     command = function() tk2theme("aqua"))
# if ("clam" %in% themes) tkadd(themeMenu, "command", label = "clam",
#     command = function() tk2theme("clam"))
# tkadd(themeMenu, "command", label = "clearlooks",
#     command = function() tk2theme("clearlooks"))
# if ("classic" %in% themes) tkadd(themeMenu, "command", label = "classic",
#     command = function() tk2theme("classic"))
# if ("default" %in% themes) tkadd(themeMenu, "command", label = "default",
#     command = function() tk2theme("default"))
# tkadd(themeMenu, "command", label = "keramik",
#     command = function() tk2theme("keramik"))
# tkadd(themeMenu, "command", label = "plastik",
#     command = function() tk2theme("plastik"))
# tkadd(themeMenu, "command", label = "radiance (fonts change too)!",
#     command = function() tk2theme("radiance"))
# if ("vista" %in% themes) tkadd(themeMenu, "command", label = "vista",
#     command = function() tk2theme("vista"))
# if ("winnative" %in% themes) tkadd(themeMenu, "command", label = "winnative",
#     command = function() tk2theme("winnative"))
# if ("xpnative" %in% themes) tkadd(themeMenu, "command", label = "xpnative",
#     command = function() tk2theme("xpnative"))
# tkadd(themeMenu, "separator")
# tkadd(themeMenu, "command", label = "Quit", command = function() tkdestroy(tt))
# tkadd(topMenu, "cascade", label = "Theme", menu = themeMenu)
# tkfocus(tt)
# ## End(Not run)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab