dada2 (version 1.0.3)

isBimeraDenovo: Identify bimeras from collections of unique sequences.


This function is a wrapper around isBimera for collections of unique sequences (i.e. sequences with associated abundances). Each sequence is evaluated against a set of "parents" drawn from the sequence collection that are sufficiently more abundant than the sequence being evaluated. A logical vector is returned, with an entry for each input sequence indicating whether it was (was not) consistent with being a bimera of those more abundant "parents".


isBimeraDenovo(unqs, minFoldParentOverAbundance = 1, minParentAbundance = 8, allowOneOff = TRUE, minOneOffParentDistance = 4, maxShift = 16, verbose = FALSE)


(Required). A uniques-vector or any object that can be coerced into one with getUniques.
(Optional). A numeric(1). Default is 1. Only sequences greater than this-fold more abundant than a sequence can be its "parents".
(Optional). A numeric(1). Default is 8. Only sequences at least this abundant can be "parents".
(Optional). A logical(1). Default is TRUE. If TRUE, sequences that have one mismatch or indel to an exact bimera are also flagged as bimeric.
(Optional). A numeric(1). Default is 4. Only sequences with at least this many mismatches to the potential bimeric sequence considered as possible "parents" when flagging one-off bimeras. There is no such screen when considering exact bimeras.
(Optional). A numeric(1). Default is 16. Maximum shift allowed when aligning sequences to potential "parents".
(Optional). logical(1) indicating verbose text output. Default FALSE.


logical of length the number of input unique sequences. TRUE if sequence is a bimera of more abundant "parent" sequences. Otherwise FALSE.

See Also

isBimera, removeBimeraDenovo


Run this code
derep1 = derepFastq(system.file("extdata", "sam1F.fastq.gz", package="dada2"))
dada1 <- dada(derep1, err=tperr1, errorEstimationFunction=loessErrfun, selfConsist=TRUE)
isBimeraDenovo(dada1$denoised, minFoldParentOverAbundance = 2, allowOneOff=FALSE)

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