OpenML (version 1.10)

listOMLTasks: List the first 5000 OpenML tasks.


The returned data.frame contains the task_id, the data set id, the status and some describing data qualities. Note that by default only the first 5000 data sets will be returned (due to the argument “limit = 5000”).


listOMLTasks(task.type = NULL, estimation.procedure = NULL,
  evaluation.measures = NULL, number.of.instances = NULL,
  number.of.features = NULL, number.of.classes = NULL,
  number.of.missing.values = NULL, tag = NULL, = NULL,
  data.tag = NULL, limit = 5000, offset = NULL, status = "active",
  verbosity = NULL)



[character(1)] If not NULL, only tasks belonging to the given task type are listed. Use listOMLTaskTypes()$name to see possible values for task.type. The default is NULL, which means that tasks with all available task types are listed.


[character] If not NULL, only tasks belonging the given estimation procedures are listed. Use listOMLEstimationProcedures()$name to see possible values for estimation.procedure. The default is NULL, which means that tasks with all available estimation procedures are listed.


[character] If not NULL, only tasks belonging the given evaluation measures are listed. Use listOMLEvaluationMeasures()$name to see possible values for evaluation.measures. The default is NULL, which means that tasks with all available evaluation measures are listed.


[numeric(1) | numeric(2)] If not NULL, subsets the entries with respect to the given values or, if a vector of length 2 is passed, the given ranges.


[numeric(1) | numeric(2)] If not NULL, it subsets the entries with respect to the given values or, if a vector of length 2 is passed, the given range.


[numeric(1) | numeric(2)] If not NULL, subsets the entries with respect to the given values or, if a vector of length 2 is passed, the given ranges.


[numeric(1) | numeric(2)] If not NULL, subsets the entries with respect to the given values or, if a vector of length 2 is passed, the given ranges.


[character] If not NULL only entries with the corresponding tags are listed.

[character(1)] Name of the data set.


[character(1)] Refers to the tag of the dataset the task is based on. If not NULL only tasks with the corresponding data.tag are listed.


[numeric(1)] Optional. The maximum number of entries to return. Without specifying offset, it returns the first 'limit' entries. Setting limit = NULL returns all available entries.


[numeric(1)] Optional. The offset to start from. Should be indices starting from 0, which do not refer to IDs. Is ignored when no limit is given.


[character] Subsets the results according to the status. Possible values are {"active", "deactivated", "in_preparation", "all"}. Default is "active".


[integer(1)] Print verbose output on console? Possible values are: 0: normal output, 1: info output, 2: debug output. Default is set via setOMLConfig.



See Also

Other listing functions: chunkOMLlist, listOMLDataSetQualities, listOMLDataSets, listOMLEstimationProcedures, listOMLEvaluationMeasures, listOMLFlows, listOMLRuns, listOMLSetup, listOMLStudies, listOMLTaskTypes

Other task-related functions: convertOMLTaskToMlr, deleteOMLObject, getOMLTask, listOMLTaskTypes, makeOMLTask, tagOMLObject


Run this code
# \dontrun{
# 	tasks = listOMLTasks()
# 	head(tasks)
# }
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataCamp Workspace