saves (version 0.5)

loads: Loading only given variables of a data.frame from binary file


loads does what the name suggests: it loads data from a special binary file format (RDatas) made up by the saves function. This special, uncompressed tar archive inlcudes several separate RData files (saved by save function) as being columns/variables of a data.frame.


loads(file = NULL, variables = NULL, = FALSE, = FALSE)


character string: the (RDatas) filename from which to load the variables. If using = TRUE option, specify the directory holding the uncompressed R objects (saved via saves(..., = TRUE)).
A character vector containing the variable names to load
boolean: the default behavior of loads is to concatenate the variables to a list. This could be overriden with TRUE argument specified at parameter, which will return a dataframe instead of list. Only do this if all your variables have the same number of cases!
boolean: if TRUE, ultra fast (...) processing is done without any check to parameters or file existence/permissions. Be sure if using this setting as no debugging is done! Only recommended for servers dealing with lot of R objects' saves and loads in a monitored environment. Also, for performance gain, it is advised not to convert the list to data frame ( = FALSE).


Loaded data.frame


The purpose of this function is to be able only a few variables of a data.frame really fast. It is done by reading and writing datas in binary format without any transformations, and combining the speed of only reading the needed part of an archive.

Some minor experiments shows a huge performance gain against using SQLite/MySQL backends or loading whole binary data, but be conscious always choosing the aprropriate method to write and read data.

The author of this package would like to emphasize: this package could be useful only in few cases!

See Also

saves to save R objects to RDatas binary format


Run this code
## Not run: 
# # Loading the 'v1' and 'v5' variables of the demo dataset.
# data(evs.2000.hun)
# saves(evs.2000.hun)
# evs.filtered.list <- loads("evs.2000.hun.RDatas", c('v1', 'v5'))
# evs.filtered.df <- loads("evs.2000.hun.RDatas", c('v1', 'v5'),
# ## End(Not run)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab