magicaxis (version 2.2.14)

magcutout: Image Cutout Utilities


Functions to subset both raw images and images with associated WCS systems.


magcutout(image, loc = dim(image)/2, box = c(100, 100), shiftloc = FALSE, paddim = TRUE,
  padval = NA, plot = FALSE, ...)
magcutoutWCS(image, header, loc, box = c(100, 100), shiftloc = FALSE, paddim = TRUE,
  padval = NA, plot = FALSE, CRVAL1 = 0, CRVAL2 = 0, CRPIX1 = 0, CRPIX2 = 0, CD1_1 = 1,
  CD1_2 = 0, CD2_1 = 0, CD2_2 = 1, coord.type = "deg", sep = ":",
  loc.type=c('coord','coord'), = FALSE, ...)
magWCSradec2xy(RA, Dec, header, CRVAL1 = 0, CRVAL2 = 0, CRPIX1 = 0, CRPIX2 = 0, CD1_1 = 1,
  CD1_2 = 0, CD2_1 = 0, CD2_2 = 1, CTYPE1 = 'RA--TAN', CTYPE2 = 'DEC--TAN',
  loc.diff = c(0, 0), coord.type = "deg", sep = ":")
magWCSxy2radec(x, y, header, CRVAL1 = 0, CRVAL2 = 0, CRPIX1 = 0, CRPIX2 = 0, CD1_1 = 1,
  CD1_2 = 0, CD2_1 = 0, CD2_2 = 1, CTYPE1 = 'RA--TAN', CTYPE2 = 'DEC--TAN',
  loc.diff = c(0, 0))



Numeric matrix; required, the image we want to decorate. If image is a list as created by readFITS, read.fits of magcutoutWCS then the image part of these lists is parsed to image and the correct header part is parsed to header. If image is a path to an fst format file then the cutout can be done on disk directly.


Full FITS header in table or vector format. Legal table format headers are provided by the read.fitshdr function or the hdr list output of read.fits in the astro package; the hdr output of readFITS in the FITSio package or the header output of magcutoutWCS. If a header is provided then key words will be taken from here as a priority. Missing header keywords are printed out and other header option arguments are used in these cases.


Numeric vector; the [x,y] (magcutout) or [x,y] / [RA,Dec] (magcutoutWCS) location where we want to cutout the image. For magcutoutWCS the unit type can be specified with the loc.type option. Either it is WCS in degrees [RA,Dec] (coord) or pixel [x,y] of the image (image).


Numeric vector; the dimensions of the box to cut out from image centred on loc. For magcutout the box unit is always pixels. For magcutoutWCS the unit type can be specified with the loc.type option. Either it is pixels or asec (see loc.type).


Vector or matrix; target right ascension in degrees. If matrix then the first column will be used as RA and the second column as Dec.


Vector; target declination in degrees. Ignored if RA is a matrix.


Vector or matrix; target x-pixel. If Matrix then the first column will be used as the x-axis and the second column as y-axis. Note this is the R convention of [x,y] (see Notes) not FITS.


Vector; target y-pixel. Ignored if x is a matrix. Note this is the R convention of [x,y] not FITS (see Notes).


The pixel offset to apply. Only relevant if the image being plotted is a cutout from within a FITS legal image.


Logical; should the cutout centre shift from loc away from the image edge if the desired box size extends beyond the edge of the image?


Logical; should the cutout dimensions be padded with with value of padval for data outside the image boundary (TRUE)? If FALSE the dimensions will truncate when the edge of the input image has been reached.


Numeric scalar; the value to use for padding if paddim=TRUE.


Logical; should a magimage (magcutout) or magimageWCS (magcutoutWCS) plot of the output be generated?


FITS header CRVAL1 for the CTYPE1 projection system. This is the RA in degrees at the location of CRPIX1.


FITS header CRVAL2 for the CTYPE2 projection system. This is the Dec in degrees at the location of CRPIX2.


FITS header CRPIX1 for the CTYPE1 projection system. This is the x pixel value at the location of CRVAL1.


FITS header CRPIX2 for the CTYPE2 projection system. This is the y pixel value at the location of CRVAL2.


FITS header CD1_1 for the CTYPE1 projection system. Change in CTYPE1 in degrees along x-Axis.


FITS header CD1_2 for the CTYPE1 projection system. Change in CTYPE1 in degrees along y-Axis.


FITS header CD2_1 for the CTYPE2 projection system. Change in CTYPE2 in degrees along x-Axis.


FITS header CD2_2 for the CTYPE2 projection system. Change in CTYPE2 in degrees along y-Axis.


The RA projection system type. Either 'RA--TAN' for Tan Gnomonic (default), or 'RA--SIN' for Sine Orthographic. 'RA--NCP' is approximated by Sine Orthographic with a warning. Over-ridden by the FITS header.


The DEC projection system type. Either 'DEC--TAN' for Tan Gnomonic (default), or 'DEC--SIN' for Sine Orthographic. 'DEC--NCP' is approximated by Sine Orthographic with a warning. Over-ridden by the FITS header.


The units of loc for magcutoutWCS. Allowed options are 'deg' for degress and 'sex' for sexigesimal (i.e. HMS for RA and DMS for Deg).


When coord.type='sex', sep defines the type of separator used for the HMS and DMS strings (i.e. H:M:S and D:M:S would be sep=':', which is the default). See hms2deg and dms2deg for more details.


Character vector; specifies what type of location is being provided. The first element specifies the coordinate type for loc and the second element is the coordinate type for box. Either it is WCS in degrees [RA,Dec] / asec ('coord') or pixel [x,y] of the image ('image'). If only one element is provided then the same coordinate type is used for both loc and box.

Logical; should an approximate coordinate mapping scheme be computed? This should be left as the default FALSE if saving the cut down object, and only TRUE if you are experimenting with the image cutouts within the same R session.

Dots are parsed to either magimage (magcutout) or magimageWCS (magcutoutWCS).


A list containing:


Numeric matrix; the cutout region of interst centred around loc.


The new loc vector that tranforms the input loc x and y location to the new cutim coordinates. This is in ProFit coordinates, so these values can be used when, e.g., constructing a ProFit modellist structure.


The original location is provided by the input loc.


The x and y offsets of the cutout compared to the original image, where loc + loc.diff = loc.orig exactly.


Integer vector; the extracted x pixels from the original image that form cutim.


Integer vector; the extracted y pixels from the original image that form cutim.


Only output from magcutoutWCS. Numeric vector of the central RA and Dec of the cutout region in degrees.


Only output from magcutoutWCS. Numeric scalar value of the pixel scale in asec/pixel.


Only output from magcutoutWCS. Numeric matrix of the RA/Dec extremes of the image in order BL/TL/BR/TR.

Only output from magcutoutWCS. A helper function that will usually approximately map RA and Dec numeric vector inputs to a matrix with columns x and y. This is less accurate than magWCSradec2xy, so use that function is the projection is too extreme. Should work for most N-S aligned data pretty well though, and it saves having to correctly track the appropriate header.


Only output from magcutoutWCS. The updated header with the correct WCS for the cutout region. Basically this means[1] and[2].


These functions are on a level trivial, since it is easy to subset matrices and therefore images within R. However these functions track important properties of the subset region that makes it easy to track its location with respect to the original image. Also, they allow direct plotting of the resultant cutout with the most appropriate image functions. In many cases these functions will be used purely for their plotting side effects.

The shiftloc and paddim control the behaviour of the function in the non-trivial case when the desired box size extendeds beyond the edge of the image. If shiftloc is FALSE (the default behaviour), the cutout is guaranteed to be centred on the pixel specified by loc. Then, if paddim is FALSE, the cutout extends only as far as possible until it reaches the edge of the image; otherwise if paddim is TRUE the cutout image is padded with NAs in regions outside the supplied image (the default behaviour). If shiftloc is TRUE, the centre of the cutout will be shifted. In this case, if paddim is FALSE, the cutout will extend at most half of the supplied box size from the given loc; otherwise if paddim is TRUE the cutout will be expanded until it reaches the desired box size or spans the entire image.

Note that if shiftloc is TRUE and paddim is FALSE, the cutout can be larger than box; otherwise, the cutout is guaranteed to be no larger than the specified box size.

See Also



Run this code

#The central value is at:


print(magcutout(temp, dim(temp)/2, box=c(3,3))$image)

#Given we cutout around the centre of the central pixel [5.5,5.5], the new centre
#relative to the cutout image output should be at [1.5,1.5]:

print(magcutout(temp, dim(temp)/2, box=c(3,3))$loc.orig)
print(magcutout(temp, dim(temp)/2, box=c(3,3))$loc)

# A simple WCS cutout example:

image=readFITS(system.file("extdata", 'VIKING/mystery_VIKING_Z.fits', package="ProFound"))

magcutout(image$imDat, loc=c(50.5,50.5), plot=TRUE)
magcutoutWCS(image, loc=c(50.5,50.5), loc.type = 'image', plot=TRUE)

#We can cut out using the coordinates instead:
magcutoutWCS(image, loc=tempcoord, loc.type=c('coord','image'), plot=TRUE)

#You can select coordinates too:

magcutoutWCS(image, loc=c(352.29167, -31.827777), box=c(30,30), plot=TRUE)$loc.WCS
magcutoutWCS(image, loc=c("23:29:10", "-31:49:40"), box=c(30,30) , coord.type = 'sex',

#We can add RA Dec specific decorations easily:

cutim=magcutoutWCS(image, loc=c(352.2918, -31.82652), box=c(30,30), plot=TRUE,

#Approx overlays:

points(cutim$, 352.2897), c(-31.82652, -31.8252)), pch=3, col='blue')

#Exact overlays:

points(magWCSradec2xy(c(352.2918, 352.2897), c(-31.82652, -31.8252), header=cutim$header),

#Given we correctly modify the header, we can actually use the cut down image directly:


# Now test the various cutout size options for a large cutout near the image boundary

loc = c(300,340)
box = c(200,200)
loc.type = c("image","image")

points(loc[1], loc[2], col='red')

# Setting shiftloc=FALSE and paddim=TRUE pads the image with NAs (default):

cutim=magcutout(image$imDat, loc=loc, box=box, plot=TRUE, shiftloc=FALSE, paddim=TRUE)
points(cutim$loc[1], cutim$loc[2], col='red')

cutim=magcutoutWCS(image, loc=loc, box=box, coord.type="image", loc.type=loc.type,
	plot=TRUE, shiftloc=FALSE, paddim=TRUE)
points(cutim$loc[1], cutim$loc[2], col='red')
# The cutout is exactly the request size, but the centre is shifted:

cutim=magcutout(image$imDat, loc=loc, box=box, plot=TRUE, shiftloc=TRUE, paddim=TRUE)
points(cutim$loc[1], cutim$loc[2], col='red')

cutim=magcutoutWCS(image, loc=loc, box=box, coord.type="image", loc.type=loc.type,
	plot=TRUE, shiftloc=TRUE, paddim=TRUE)
points(cutim$loc[1], cutim$loc[2], col='red')

# Setting paddim=FALSE returns the largest possible cutout within the image bounds,
# without shifting the centre:

cutim=magcutout(image$imDat, loc=loc, box=box, plot=TRUE, shiftloc=FALSE, paddim=FALSE)
points(cutim$loc[1], cutim$loc[2], col='red')

cutim=magcutoutWCS(image, loc=loc, box=box, coord.type="image", loc.type=loc.type,
  plot=TRUE, shiftloc=FALSE, paddim=FALSE)
points(cutim$loc[1], cutim$loc[2], col='red')

# Setting paddim=FALSE and shiftloc=TRUE returns a larger cutout, but with at most
# box/2 padding on either side:

cutim=magcutout(image$imDat, loc=loc, box=box, plot=TRUE, shiftloc=TRUE, paddim=FALSE)
points(cutim$loc[1], cutim$loc[2], col='red')

cutim=magcutoutWCS(image, loc=loc, box=box, coord.type="image", loc.type=loc.type,
  plot=TRUE, shiftloc=TRUE, paddim=FALSE)
points(cutim$loc[1], cutim$loc[2], col='red')

# Setting shiftloc=FALSE and requesting a box size larger than the image returns a cutout
# with the requested box size:

box = c(400,400)
cutim=magcutoutWCS(image, loc=loc, box=box, coord.type="image", loc.type=loc.type,
plot=TRUE, shiftloc=FALSE, paddim=TRUE)
points(cutim$loc[1], cutim$loc[2], col='red')
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab