SOAR (version 0.99-11)

Objects: List objects in object caches.


These functions may be used to find stored object caches on the search path and list the objectes stored in them. If the object cache is currently not on the search path it is silently attached at position 2.


Objects(lib = Sys.getenv("R_LOCAL_CACHE", unset = ".R_Cache"), lib.loc = Sys.getenv("R_LOCAL_LIB_LOC", unset = "."), all.names = FALSE, pattern = ".*", readonly = FALSE) ObjectsData(...) ObjectsUtils(...) Ls(lib = Sys.getenv("R_LOCAL_CACHE", unset = ".R_Cache"), lib.loc = Sys.getenv("R_LOCAL_LIB_LOC", unset = "."), all.names = FALSE, pattern = ".*", readonly = FALSE) LsData(...) LsUtils(...)


The name of the cache directory from which items are to be removed. May be given as a character string, or as a name, (i.e. without quotes) for convenience. The default is as follows:
  • For Objects, the value of the R environment variable R_LOCAL_CACHE, or .R_Cache if unset,
  • For ObjectsData, the value of the R environment variable R_CENTRAL_DATA, or .R_Data if unset,
  • For ObjectsUtils, the value of the R environment variable R_CENTRAL_UTILS, or .R_Utils if unset.

The enclosing directory where the cache directory is to be found. The default is as follows:
  • For Objects, the value of the R environment variable R_LOCAL_LIB_LOC, or the current working directory if unset,
  • For ObjectsDate and ObjectsUtils the value of the R environment variable R_CENTRAL_LIB_LOC, or he user's HOME directory if unset.

Logical. Should all names be listed? Normally objects with names beginning with a period are not listed.
Regular expression giving the pattern of object names to be listed.
If the stored object cache is not present on the search path, it is silently attached at position 2. Should it be attached as `read only'?
Dummy argument to allow any of the above to be specified.


A character string vector of object names.


These convenience functions provide the same functionality as the standard function objects, or equivalently ls, but specialised to stored object caches. They automatically locate caches on the search path and, optionally, attach them if not currently present.



See Also

objects, ls.


Run this code
## change default cache, keeping any previous setting
oldLC <- Sys.getenv("R_LOCAL_CACHE", unset = ".R_Cache")

## generate some dummy data
dummy <- rnorm(100)
mn <- mean(dummy)
va <- var(dummy)

## store it in the stored object cache
Store(dummy, mn, va)
Remove(mn, va)
Remove(Objects())                   # empty the cache
detach(".R_Test")                   # remove from search path
Sys.setenv(R_LOCAL_CACHE=oldLC)     # restore normal default

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