msgpack (version 1.0)

packMsg: Convert R objects to msgpack format.


Convert R objects to msgpack format.

packOpts() interprets the ... argument of packMsg and packMsgs. it is not exported.


packMsg(x, ...)

packMsgs(xs, ...)

packOpts(compatible = FALSE, as_is = FALSE, use_dict = TRUE, max_size = NA, buf_size = 512)


# S3 method for default prepack(x)

# S3 method for data.frame prepack(x)



An R object, which can be null, a vector, list, environment, raw, or any combinations thereof.


Options passed to packOpts()


a list of objects to pack.


If TRUE, emitted bytes conform to version 1.0 of msgpack encoding. This means that msgpack strings are used for raw objects.


If TRUE, singletons (R primitive vectors of length 1 having no names attribute) are encoded as msgpack arrays of length 1. Otherwise singletons are simplified to msgpack scalars.


If TRUE, vectors having a "names" attribute are encoded as dicts. If false, they are encoded as arrays and the names are discarded.


The largest buffer that will be allocated.


The initial amount of memory, in bytes, to allocate for packing each message. This will be dynamically grown if a larger message is passed, so there is little reason to change this.


An object of class "raw".


Strings are re-encoded to UTF-8 if necessary. Real numbers taking integral values may be emitted as integers to save space.

Normally an R vector of length 1 will be unboxed, e.g. packMsg(1) will make a msgpack integer, but packMsg(c(1,2)) will make a msgpack list. To prevent this and produce a list of length 1 in the first case, specify as_is = TRUE. Objects of class AsIs or data.frame will always be encoded as-is.

A hook for pre-processing R objects before packing is supported, by giving the object an S3 class and implementing a method prepack. For instance, simply adds the "AsIs" class to x.

Environment objects are written out with the keys in sorted order, but named vectors are written in the order which the entries appear.

Object attributes other than names and class are ignored.


Run this code
packMsg( list(compact=TRUE, schema=0) )
x <- packMsgs(list("one", "two", "three"))
unpackMsgs(x, 2)
# }

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab