mapview (version 1.2.0)

popupGraph: Create HTML strings for popup graphs


Create HTML strings for popup graphs used as input for mapview or leaflet.


popupGraph(graphs, type = c("png", "svg", "html"), ...)


A list of figures associated with x.
Output filetype, one of "png" (default), "svg" or "html".
Further arguments passed on to png or svg.


A list of HTML strings required to create popup graphs.


Type svg uses native svg encoding via readLines. height and width are set via ... and passed on to svg Type png embeds via ". height and width are set via ... and passed on to png Type html embeds via "

See Also

popupTable and popupImage.


Run this code
## Not run: 
# ### example: svg -----
# library(sp)
# data(meuse)
# coordinates(meuse) <- ~ x + y
# proj4string(meuse) <- CRS("+init=epsg:28992")
# ## create plots with points colored according to feature id
# library(lattice)
# p <- xyplot(copper ~ cadmium, data = meuse@data, col = "grey")
# p <- mget(rep("p", length(meuse)))
# clr <- rep("grey", length(meuse))
# p <- lapply(1:length(p), function(i) {
#   clr[i] <- "red"
#   update(p[[i]], col = clr)
# })
# mapview(meuse, popup = popupGraph(p, type = "svg", width = 3, height = 2.5))
# ### example: png -----
# pt <- data.frame(x = 174.764474, y = -36.877245)
# coordinates(pt) <- ~ x + y
# proj4string(pt) <- "+init=epsg:4326"
# p2 <- levelplot(t(volcano), col.regions = terrain.colors(100))
# mapview(pt, popup = popupGraph(p2, width = 300, height = 400))
# ### example: html -----
# library(scatterD3)
# p <- lapply(1:length(meuse), function(i) {
#   clr <-rep(0, length(meuse))
#   clr[[i]] <- 1
#   scatterD3(x = meuse$cadmium,
#             y = meuse$copper,
#             col_var = clr,
#             legend_width = 0)
# })
# mapview(meuse, popup = popupGraph(p, type = "html", width = 400, height = 300))
# mapview(pt, popup = popupGraph(mapview(pt)@map, type = "html"))
# ## End(Not run)

Run the code above in your browser using DataLab